El empleo de las resoluciones administrativas firmes derivadas del procedimiento inspectivo en el proceso de ejecución en los juzgados laborales de la Corte Superior de Justicia de Lima en el año 2022
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El artículo 48 de la Ley General de la Inspección del Trabajo establece que las resoluciones
administrativas firmes derivadas de un procedimiento inspectivo tienen la calidad de títulos
ejecutivos, por lo que en atención a lo señalado en el literal d) del artículo 57 de la Ley Procesal
del Trabajo, su cumplimiento puede ser exigido a través del proceso ejecutivo laboral.
Sin embargo, la evidencia muestra que pese a que desde el 5 de noviembre del 2012 se
encuentra vigente la Ley 29497 en la Corte Superior de Justicia de Lima, el empleo de dichas
resoluciones administrativas es escaso en relación al número de pronunciamientos emitidos por
los órganos resolutores de la autoridad inspectiva, lo que implica que pese a su condición de
títulos ejecutivos, éstas son utilizadas como medios probatorios de una demanda tramitada en
un proceso ordinario o abreviado laboral.
Así se tiene que la presente investigación muestra que el principal problema que impide el
uso de las resoluciones del sistema inspectivo como títulos ejecutivos es el incumplimiento de
los requisitos contemplados por ley para ser considerados como tal, especialmente en aquellas
obligaciones de dar suma de dinero, en donde se aprecia que la mayoría de ellas no son
liquidadas por el órgano resolutor ni contienen los datos necesarios para su liquidación en el
proceso de ejecución.
Consecuentemente, al comprobarse que la inoperancia de la calidad de título ejecutivo de
las resoluciones administrativas firmes del sistema inspectivo tienen relación con el
incumplimiento de establecer una obligación líquida o liquidable, se concluye que el propio
sistema inspectivo debe implementar las medidas internas que obliguen a los órganos
resolutores a cumplir con este presupuesto, a partir del deber de la debida motivación
contemplado en el citado artículo 48 de la Ley 28806.
Article 48 of the General Law on Labour Inspection provides those final administrative decisions resulting from an inspection procedure, have the quality of enforceable titles, so in accordance with the provisions of paragraph d) of article 57 of the Labor Procedure Law, compliance can be enforced through the labor enforcement process. However, the evidence shows that despite the fact that Law 29497 has been in force in the Superior Court of Justice of Lima since November 5, 2012, the use of these administrative resolutions is scarce in relation to the number of pronouncements issued by the decisionmaking bodies of the inspecting authority, which implies that despite their status as enforceable titles, These are used as evidence of a claim processed in an ordinary or abbreviated labor process. Thus, the present research shows that the main problem that prevents the use of the resolutions of the inspection system as enforceable titles is the failure to comply with the requirements contemplated by law to be considered as such, especially in those obligations to give a sum of money, where it can be seen that most of them are not liquidated by the resolving body nor do they contain the necessary data for their liquidation in the process of execution. Consequently, when it has been found that the ineffectiveness of the enforceable quality of the final administrative resolutions of the inspection system is related to the failure to establish a liquid obligation, it is concluded that the inspection system itself must implement the internal measures that oblige the resolving bodies to comply with this budget, based on the duty of due motivation contemplated in the aforementioned Article 47 of Law 28806.
Article 48 of the General Law on Labour Inspection provides those final administrative decisions resulting from an inspection procedure, have the quality of enforceable titles, so in accordance with the provisions of paragraph d) of article 57 of the Labor Procedure Law, compliance can be enforced through the labor enforcement process. However, the evidence shows that despite the fact that Law 29497 has been in force in the Superior Court of Justice of Lima since November 5, 2012, the use of these administrative resolutions is scarce in relation to the number of pronouncements issued by the decisionmaking bodies of the inspecting authority, which implies that despite their status as enforceable titles, These are used as evidence of a claim processed in an ordinary or abbreviated labor process. Thus, the present research shows that the main problem that prevents the use of the resolutions of the inspection system as enforceable titles is the failure to comply with the requirements contemplated by law to be considered as such, especially in those obligations to give a sum of money, where it can be seen that most of them are not liquidated by the resolving body nor do they contain the necessary data for their liquidation in the process of execution. Consequently, when it has been found that the ineffectiveness of the enforceable quality of the final administrative resolutions of the inspection system is related to the failure to establish a liquid obligation, it is concluded that the inspection system itself must implement the internal measures that oblige the resolving bodies to comply with this budget, based on the duty of due motivation contemplated in the aforementioned Article 47 of Law 28806.
Palabras clave
Inspección de trabajo--Perú, Derecho procesal laboral, Sanciones administrativas--Legislación--Perú, Perú. Corte Superior de Justicia (Lima)--Jurisprudencia
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