Diseño de packaging y comunicación visual como solución para la promoción de las bondades de la quinua Fortigrano hacia los usuarios de la feria de productos orgánicos Mercado Saludable La Molina
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Dentro del espacio del Mercado Saludable, La Molina, se escoge como sujeto de
estudio a la empresa Fortigrano, cuyo producto principal que dicha empresa
patrocina, y el cual será el enfoque principal de este estudio es la quinua, ofrecida en
variedades nativas. El problema de investigación hallado es la deficiencia en la
interacción y comunicación de las bondades y usos de la quinua en los productos de
la empresa a través del packaging e identidad visual, teniendo como consecuencias la
desinformación en cuanto a los usos, beneficios y origen de la quinua puneña en el
Mercado Saludable de La Molina y la disminución sustancial de ventas y bajo
aprovechamiento de consumo en las diferentes variedades nativas de quinua, por lo
cual consideramos que existe una necesidad de rediseño que potencie su imagen
como producto nativo y orgánico. Mediante la metodología de investigación científica
y la metodología del doble diamante, se pretende abordar esta problemática y
plantear una potencial solución mediante el packaging ecológico. Se elabora un
producto con un fin portable y reutilizable bajo el concepto de envolvencia: se
convierte en un producto llamativo para el público objetivo además de brindarles
información útil para el consumo de la quinua de manera amigable y consciente con el
medio ambiente.
Between many brands working in Mercado Saludable La Molina, Fortigrano was chosen as the subject of study. Quinoa, as the main product of the brand, is offered in 2 different native varieties. The research problem found is the deficiency in the interaction and communication of the natural quinoa benefits to the targeted audience through the brand’s visual identity and packaging, having as consequences the misinformation regarding the benefits, uses and origin about Puno’s quinoa in Mercado Saludable de La Molina and the substantial decrease in sales and low consumption of quinoa, which is why we consider a packaging redesign to reinforce the brand’s image as an organic and native product is needed. Through the scientific investigation and the double diamond methodology, it is intended to address the problem and propose a potential solution by means of ecological packaging . The product is elaborated with a portable and reusable purpose, inspired by the envelopment concept: it becomes a striking product for the targeted audience in a friendly and environmentally conscious way.
Between many brands working in Mercado Saludable La Molina, Fortigrano was chosen as the subject of study. Quinoa, as the main product of the brand, is offered in 2 different native varieties. The research problem found is the deficiency in the interaction and communication of the natural quinoa benefits to the targeted audience through the brand’s visual identity and packaging, having as consequences the misinformation regarding the benefits, uses and origin about Puno’s quinoa in Mercado Saludable de La Molina and the substantial decrease in sales and low consumption of quinoa, which is why we consider a packaging redesign to reinforce the brand’s image as an organic and native product is needed. Through the scientific investigation and the double diamond methodology, it is intended to address the problem and propose a potential solution by means of ecological packaging . The product is elaborated with a portable and reusable purpose, inspired by the envelopment concept: it becomes a striking product for the targeted audience in a friendly and environmentally conscious way.
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