Informe jurídico sobre la sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional recaída en el Expediente N° 01004-2021- PHC/TC-Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En este informe se pretende analizar la sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional recaída en el expediente N°01004-2021-PHC/TC LIMA, el cual expone el caso de Álvaro, una persona con discapacidad psicosocial que fue internado en una clínica en contra de su voluntad. Esto se da en un contexto donde no se considera su capacidad jurídica para tomar decisiones jurídicamente vinculantes
como el consentimiento informado. Para analizar ello, se tomará en cuenta lo establecido en la Convención sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad, el Código Civil, Ley General de la Persona con Discapacidad, Ley 30947 y la Ley de Salud Mental, las cuales se encontraba vigentes en los hechos del caso concreto. Así pues, del análisis expuesto se concluye que Álvaro tenía capacidad jurídica para tomar decisiones jurídicamente vinculantes, por lo que su internamiento es contrario a lo expuesto en la Convención. Además, queda claro que podía brindar su consentimiento médico por tener plena capacidad para decidir y que no estaba en emergencia psiquiátrica, pues no se comprueba la falta de discernimiento, pues no existe una sentencia de interdicción y, finalmente, en la Convención no cabe la excepción de internamiento de ninguna forma.
This report aims to analyze the ruling of the Constitutional Court handed down in file N°01004-2021-PHC/TC LIMA, which exposes the case of Álvaro, a person with psychosocial disabilities who was admitted to a clinic against his will. This occurs in a context where his legal capacity to make legally binding decisions such as informed consent is not considered. To analyze it, the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Civil Code, the General Law of Persons with Disabilities, Law 30947 and the Mental Health Law, which were in force in the facts of the specific case. Thus, from the analysis presented, it is concluded that Álvaro had the legal capacity to make legally binding decisions, so his detention is contrary to what is stated in the Convention. Furthermore, it is clear that he could provide his medical consent because he had full capacity to decide and that he was not in a psychiatric emergency, since the lack of discernment is not proven, since there is no ruling of interdiction and, finally, the Convention does not allow internment exception in any way.
This report aims to analyze the ruling of the Constitutional Court handed down in file N°01004-2021-PHC/TC LIMA, which exposes the case of Álvaro, a person with psychosocial disabilities who was admitted to a clinic against his will. This occurs in a context where his legal capacity to make legally binding decisions such as informed consent is not considered. To analyze it, the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Civil Code, the General Law of Persons with Disabilities, Law 30947 and the Mental Health Law, which were in force in the facts of the specific case. Thus, from the analysis presented, it is concluded that Álvaro had the legal capacity to make legally binding decisions, so his detention is contrary to what is stated in the Convention. Furthermore, it is clear that he could provide his medical consent because he had full capacity to decide and that he was not in a psychiatric emergency, since the lack of discernment is not proven, since there is no ruling of interdiction and, finally, the Convention does not allow internment exception in any way.
Palabras clave
Tribunales constitucionales--Perú, Personas con discapacidad--Legislación--Perú, Enfermos mentales--Detención y confinamiento
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