Percepciones docentes sobre la planificación curricular bajo el modelo por competencias en educación inicial
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación busca dar respuesta sobre cuáles son las percepciones
docentes del segundo ciclo de educación inicial sobre la planificación curricular
bajo el modelo por competencias. El objetivo general busca analizar las
percepciones de los docentes del segundo ciclo de educación inicial sobre la
planificación curricular bajo el modelo por competencias en una Institución
Educativa Privada de Lima; los objetivos específicos buscan: (a)Describir cuáles
son las percepciones docentes sobre la incorporación del contexto y las
características de los estudiantes en el diseño de la planificación curricular bajo el
modelo por competencias, (b)describir las percepciones docentes sobre la forma
en que planifican los elementos curriculares bajo el modelo por competencias, e
(c) identificar las percepciones docentes sobre los retos que representa el planificar
bajo el modelo por competencias.
El estudio se encuentra bajo el enfoque cualitativo, con el método del estudio de
caso instrumental. Las técnicas para el recojo de información fueron la entrevista,
y el análisis documental. Se entrevistaron a 3 maestras del segundo nivel de
educación inicial, quienes laboran incorporando el modelo por competencias y son
parte de la institución educativa hace más de 3 años, logrando codificar la
información recabada.
Los resultados reflejan confusión sobre el significado de la planificación curricular,
afectando en cómo llevan a cabo el modelo por competencias. Se siguen
arrastrando características de otros modelos los cuales son opuestos al actual, se
requiere contextualizar más los aprendizajes y situarlos según las necesidades de
los estudiantes; así mismo, trabajar con mayor detalle algunos elementos de la
planificación, haciendo especial énfasis en los recursos y la evaluación. Finalmente
son varios los retos planteados por las docentes en torno a la planificación bajo
este modelo, como es el acompañamiento por parte de la institución a fin de
garantizar una mejor comprensión del modelo.
The present research seeks to provide answers regarding the perceptions of teachers in the second cycle of early childhood education on curriculum planning under the competency-based model. The general objective seeks to analyze preschool teachers’ perceptions on curricular planning under the competency based model in a Private School in Lima; the specific objectives seek to: (a) Describe teachers perceptions about the incorporation of the context and students characteristics in the design of curriculum planning under the competency based learning model, (b) describe teachers' perceptions on how they plan curriculum elements under the competency based model, and (c) identify the teachers’ perceptions on the challenges posed by planning under the competency based learning model. The study is based on a qualitative approach, using the instrumental case study method. The techniques used to collect data were interviews and document analysis. Three teachers from the second level of early childhood education were interviewed, who have been incorporating the competency-based model and have been part of the educational institution for more than 3 years, allowing the collected information to be code. The results reflect confusion about the meaning of curriculum planning, arising in how the competency-based model is carried out. Elements of other curriculum models that are opposed to the current model are still being carried out, and there is a lack of contextualization of learning experiences according to students needs and local/global contexts; Additionally, there is a need to work in more detail on some planning elements with special emphasis on resources and assessment. Finally, several challenges are raised by teachers regarding the model, which requires support from the school to ensure a better approach to the model.
The present research seeks to provide answers regarding the perceptions of teachers in the second cycle of early childhood education on curriculum planning under the competency-based model. The general objective seeks to analyze preschool teachers’ perceptions on curricular planning under the competency based model in a Private School in Lima; the specific objectives seek to: (a) Describe teachers perceptions about the incorporation of the context and students characteristics in the design of curriculum planning under the competency based learning model, (b) describe teachers' perceptions on how they plan curriculum elements under the competency based model, and (c) identify the teachers’ perceptions on the challenges posed by planning under the competency based learning model. The study is based on a qualitative approach, using the instrumental case study method. The techniques used to collect data were interviews and document analysis. Three teachers from the second level of early childhood education were interviewed, who have been incorporating the competency-based model and have been part of the educational institution for more than 3 years, allowing the collected information to be code. The results reflect confusion about the meaning of curriculum planning, arising in how the competency-based model is carried out. Elements of other curriculum models that are opposed to the current model are still being carried out, and there is a lack of contextualization of learning experiences according to students needs and local/global contexts; Additionally, there is a need to work in more detail on some planning elements with special emphasis on resources and assessment. Finally, several challenges are raised by teachers regarding the model, which requires support from the school to ensure a better approach to the model.
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