Estado del arte sobre las formas de intervención para el desarrollo de las competencias informacionales en niños de edad escolar
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La presente investigación se centra en describir aquellas formas de
intervención pedagógicas que han surgido en el contexto mundial, para lograr
el desarrollo de las competencias informacionales en niños de edad escolar. El
estudio se estructura en dos capítulos centrales. El primero se orienta a
contextualizar el origen de las competencias informacionales, y reconocer y
comentar su evolución a lo largo del tiempo; asimismo, enlista las habilidades
que la comprenden, con el objetivo de definir aquellas que son necesarias para
que un niño de edad escolar sea competente informacionalmente. El segundo
capítulo analiza el desarrollo de las competencias informacionales en el marco
de las instituciones educativas; para ello, se toma en cuenta las normas, los
enfoques y modelos que pueden ser empleados por dichas instituciones;
asimismo, se resalta el rol que los docentes cumplen para el desarrollo de las
competencias informacionales. Luego del análisis realizado, el estudio concluye
que a lo largo de los años se ha dado prioridad al desarrollo de las
competencias informacionales durante la etapa universitaria; no obstante,
nuevos autores como Negre, Juarros y Pérez (2018) resaltan la necesidad del
desarrollo de estas competencias desde la educación infantil. En ese sentido,
se están planteando nuevas adaptaciones a modelos preexistentes con fases o
etapas que los docentes deben tener en cuenta. Finalmente, los métodos y
propuestas para el desarrollo de las competencias informacionales se abordan
desde diversas perspectivas; sin embargo, el objetivo de todas se centra en
lograr la autonomía del estudiante a través de la búsqueda, análisis,
organización y comunicación ética de la información presentada en diferentes
This research focuses on describing those forms of pedagogical intervention that have emerged in the world context, to achieve the development of informational literacy in school-age children. The study is structured in two central chapters. The first is aimed at contextualizing the origin of informational literacy and recognizing and commenting on their evolution over time; likewise, it lists the skills that comprise it, in order to define those that are necessary for a school-age child to be informationally competent. The second chapter aims to analyze the development of informational literacy in the framework of educational institutions. For this, the norms, approaches and models that can be used by said institutions are taken into account. Likewise, the role that teachers fulfill for the development of informational literacy is highlighted. After the analysis carried out, the study concludes that over the years priority has been given to the development of informational literacy during the university stage. However, new authors such as Negre, Juarros and Pérez (2018) highlight the need for the development of these competences from early childhood education. In this sense, new adaptations to pre-existing models with phases or stages that teachers must take into account are being proposed. Finally, the methods and proposals for the development of informational literacy are approached from different perspectives. However, the objective of all focuses on achieving student autonomy through the search, analysis, organization and ethical communication of the information presented in different media.
This research focuses on describing those forms of pedagogical intervention that have emerged in the world context, to achieve the development of informational literacy in school-age children. The study is structured in two central chapters. The first is aimed at contextualizing the origin of informational literacy and recognizing and commenting on their evolution over time; likewise, it lists the skills that comprise it, in order to define those that are necessary for a school-age child to be informationally competent. The second chapter aims to analyze the development of informational literacy in the framework of educational institutions. For this, the norms, approaches and models that can be used by said institutions are taken into account. Likewise, the role that teachers fulfill for the development of informational literacy is highlighted. After the analysis carried out, the study concludes that over the years priority has been given to the development of informational literacy during the university stage. However, new authors such as Negre, Juarros and Pérez (2018) highlight the need for the development of these competences from early childhood education. In this sense, new adaptations to pre-existing models with phases or stages that teachers must take into account are being proposed. Finally, the methods and proposals for the development of informational literacy are approached from different perspectives. However, the objective of all focuses on achieving student autonomy through the search, analysis, organization and ethical communication of the information presented in different media.
Palabras clave
Tecnología de la información, Educación preescolar--Innovaciones tecnológicas, Educación primaria--Innovaciones tecnológicas, Habilidades informativas--Estudio y enseñanza, Educación de niños
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