Análisis de la participación de actores sociales en las comisiones multisectoriales para la generación de políticas sociales a favor de la agricultura familiar en el Perú, periodo 2014 - 2016.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de investigación, resalta la importancia de los actores sociales
involucrados en la agricultura familiar, quienes lograron organizarse e impulsar esta
actividad a través de normas y un reglamento, para que pongan en agenda pública esta
actividad, dando a conocer sus características y su aporte a la economía y alimentación
en nuestro país. Como es de conocimiento la agricultura familiar es la principal
proveedora de alimentos en nuestro país (80%). Debido a la importancia de esta
actividad, a nivel internacional se hizo la declaratoria del Año 2014, como el Año
Internacional de la Agricultura Familiar. A partir de entonces, a iniciativa de los actores
mencionados que fueron los organismos internacionales, representantes de la sociedad
civil y del sector público, se impulsó la conformación de 3 Comisiones Multisectoriales
durante los años 2014, 2015 y 2016 para visibilizar la agricultura familiar, diseñar e
implementar una estrategia nacional de promoción e incidencia política.
En el marco de la creación de estas tres comisiones multisectoriales, el presente trabajo
tuvo por objetivo investigar cómo se incentivó la participación de los diferentes actores
sociales. Así también, conocer cuáles fueron los procedimientos que hicieron las
comisiones mencionadas para lograr resultados positivos como la generación de políticas
públicas a favor de la agricultura familiar: la Estrategia Nacional de Agricultura Familiar
2015-2021, El Reglamento de la Ley N° 30355 y Ley de Promoción y Desarrollo de la
Agricultura Familiar, los cuales tuvieron la finalidad de orientar y organizar la intervención
integral del Estado a favor de los agricultores y agricultoras familiares.
El trabajo de investigación es de tipo cualitativo, en la medida que buscó identificar,
interpretar y describir la participación de los actores sociales que han participado en las
Comisiones Multisectoriales, para lo cual se consideró una muestra significativa a través
del método no probabilístico por cuotas aquellos actores sociales que accedieron a la
entrevista y focus groups. Según sus características podemos además, señalar que la
investigación es una sistematización analítica y descriptiva, en la medida que rescata las lecciones aprendidas y propone recomendaciones para aplicación en futuros espacios de
trabajo similares.
En la Gerencia Social es relevante que los procesos sociales orientados a la búsqueda
de la igualdad y reducción de la pobreza incluyan el compromiso y participación activa de
los diferentes actores involucrados. En este caso, el rol de la gerencia social impulsó el
otorgamiento de herramientas y metodologías para la adecuación de políticas sociales a
favor de los actores principales: las familias agricultoras. El aporte de esta investigación,
a partir de las lecciones y aprendizajes generados por cada una de las Comisiones
Multisectoriales de la Agricultura Familiar, es mostrar de qué forma la participación social
contribuye a la mejora del diseño de políticas públicas.
This research work highlights the importance of social actors involved in family farming, who managed to organize and promote this activity through rules and regulations, in order to include this activity on the public agenda, making known its characteristics and its contribution to the economy and food in our country. As we know, family farming is the main supplier of food in our country (80%) and in the world (70%). Due to the importance of this activity, at the international level, the 2014 Year was declared as the International Year of Family Farming. From then on, at the initiative of the aforementioned actors that were international organizations, representatives of civil society and the public sector, the creation of three Multisector Commissions was promoted during the years 2014, 2015 and 2016 to make family farming visible, as well as design and implement a national strategy for advocacy and political incidence. Within the framework of the creation of these three multisectoral commissions, the present work aimed to investigate how the participation of the different social actors was encouraged. Also, to know what were the procedures that made the aforementioned commissions to achieve positive results such as the generation of public policies in favor of family farming: the National Family Agriculture Strategy 2015-2021, The Regulation of Law N° 30355 and Law Promotion and Development of Family Farming, all of which had the purpose of guiding and organizing the integral intervention of the State in favor of family farmers. The research work is of the qualitative type, insofar as it seeks to identify, interpret and describe the participation of the social actors that have participated in the Multisector Commissions, for which it considered a significant sample through the non-probabilistic method by quotas. Those social actors who agreed to the interview and focus groups. According to its characteristics, we can also point out that the research is an analytical and descriptive systematization, to the extent that it rescues the lessons learned and proposes recommendations for application in future similar work spaces. In the realm of Social Management, it is vital that social processes oriented to the search for equality and poverty reduction do include the commitment and active participation of the different actors involved. In this case, the role of social management promoted the granting of tools and methodologies for the adaptation of social policies in favor of the main actors: the farming families. The contribution of this research, based on the lessons and learning generated by each one of the Multisectorial Commissions of Family Farming is to show how social participation contributes considerably to the improvement of public policy design.
This research work highlights the importance of social actors involved in family farming, who managed to organize and promote this activity through rules and regulations, in order to include this activity on the public agenda, making known its characteristics and its contribution to the economy and food in our country. As we know, family farming is the main supplier of food in our country (80%) and in the world (70%). Due to the importance of this activity, at the international level, the 2014 Year was declared as the International Year of Family Farming. From then on, at the initiative of the aforementioned actors that were international organizations, representatives of civil society and the public sector, the creation of three Multisector Commissions was promoted during the years 2014, 2015 and 2016 to make family farming visible, as well as design and implement a national strategy for advocacy and political incidence. Within the framework of the creation of these three multisectoral commissions, the present work aimed to investigate how the participation of the different social actors was encouraged. Also, to know what were the procedures that made the aforementioned commissions to achieve positive results such as the generation of public policies in favor of family farming: the National Family Agriculture Strategy 2015-2021, The Regulation of Law N° 30355 and Law Promotion and Development of Family Farming, all of which had the purpose of guiding and organizing the integral intervention of the State in favor of family farmers. The research work is of the qualitative type, insofar as it seeks to identify, interpret and describe the participation of the social actors that have participated in the Multisector Commissions, for which it considered a significant sample through the non-probabilistic method by quotas. Those social actors who agreed to the interview and focus groups. According to its characteristics, we can also point out that the research is an analytical and descriptive systematization, to the extent that it rescues the lessons learned and proposes recommendations for application in future similar work spaces. In the realm of Social Management, it is vital that social processes oriented to the search for equality and poverty reduction do include the commitment and active participation of the different actors involved. In this case, the role of social management promoted the granting of tools and methodologies for the adaptation of social policies in favor of the main actors: the farming families. The contribution of this research, based on the lessons and learning generated by each one of the Multisectorial Commissions of Family Farming is to show how social participation contributes considerably to the improvement of public policy design.
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