SBS vs Gobiernos Regionales: Afectación del principio de legalidad en el procedimiento administrativo sancionador seguido contra las AFOCAT
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente artículo tiene como propósito principal llevar a cabo un estudio del
Principio de Legalidad en torno a las resoluciones de archivamiento de
procedimientos administrativos sancionadores expedido por la Superintendencia
de Banca, Seguros y Administradoras Privadas de Fondos de Pensiones (SBS)
contra las Asociaciones de Fondos Regionales o Provinciales contra Accidentes
de Tránsito (AFOCAT) durante el período 2010 al 2016, por emitir Certificado
contra Accidentes de Tránsito (CAT) a vehículos no autorizados, tales como
vehículos de carga, particulares, motos lineales e interprovinciales (similares al
SOAT), a pesar de que dicha conducta se encuentra tipificada como infracción
grave prevista en el Código A.1 del numeral 47.1 del artículo 47 del Reglamento
En dicho artículo se determina una afectación al Principio de Legalidad, en tanto
la SBS, ente competente para regular, supervisar, fiscalizar, controlar y
sancionar a las AFOCAT, decidió inaplicar el Reglamento AFOCAT, por preferir
la aplicación de ordenanzas regionales que de manera inconstitucional regularon
en materia de seguros, ampliando las facultades de las AFOCAT para emitir CAT
a todo tipo de vehículo y en toda una región, cuando dicha materia es
competencia exclusiva de la SBS, que dispuso que los CAT solo son para
vehículos que brindan servicio de transporte público provincial de personas.
The main purpose of this article is to carry out a study of the Principle of Legality regarding the resolutions of archiving of administrative sanctioning procedures issued by the Superintendence of Banking, Insurance and Private Pension Fund Administrators (SBS) against the Fund Associations Regional or Provincial Against Traffic Accidents (AFOCAT) during the period 2010 to 2016, for issuing Certificate against Traffic Accidents (CAT) to unauthorized vehicles, such as cargo vehicles, individuals, linear and interprovincial motorcycles (similar to SOAT), despite the fact that said conduct is classified as a serious infraction provided for in Code A.1 of section 47.1 of article 47 of the AFOCAT Regulation. This article determines an impact on the Principle of Legality, while the SBS, the entity competent to regulate, supervise, supervise, control and sanction the AFOCAT, decided not to apply the AFOCAT Regulation, preferring the application of regional ordinances that are unconstitutional. regulated in insurance matters, expanding the powers of the AFOCAT to issue CAT to all types of vehicles and in an entire region, when said matter is the exclusive competence of the SBS, which established that the CAT are only for vehicles that provide transportation service. provincial public of people.
The main purpose of this article is to carry out a study of the Principle of Legality regarding the resolutions of archiving of administrative sanctioning procedures issued by the Superintendence of Banking, Insurance and Private Pension Fund Administrators (SBS) against the Fund Associations Regional or Provincial Against Traffic Accidents (AFOCAT) during the period 2010 to 2016, for issuing Certificate against Traffic Accidents (CAT) to unauthorized vehicles, such as cargo vehicles, individuals, linear and interprovincial motorcycles (similar to SOAT), despite the fact that said conduct is classified as a serious infraction provided for in Code A.1 of section 47.1 of article 47 of the AFOCAT Regulation. This article determines an impact on the Principle of Legality, while the SBS, the entity competent to regulate, supervise, supervise, control and sanction the AFOCAT, decided not to apply the AFOCAT Regulation, preferring the application of regional ordinances that are unconstitutional. regulated in insurance matters, expanding the powers of the AFOCAT to issue CAT to all types of vehicles and in an entire region, when said matter is the exclusive competence of the SBS, which established that the CAT are only for vehicles that provide transportation service. provincial public of people.