Conocimiento del Trastorno del Desarrollo del Lenguaje en docentes del nivel inicial y primario de instituciones educativas adscritas a la UGEL 7
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Esta investigación de tipo descriptiva-comparativa, con un enfoque cuantitativo y diseño no
experimental tiene como propósito determinar si existen diferencias significativas en el conocimiento
del Trastorno del Desarrollo del Lenguaje entre los docentes de nivel inicial y primario de
instituciones educativas adscritas a la UGEL 7. Por consiguiente, se aplicó el “Cuestionario de
Conocimiento del Trastorno del Desarrollo del Lenguaje”, adaptado de Angles & Gutiérrez (2020),
el cual consta de 27 preguntas de opción binaria agrupadas en 6 dimensiones: definición, etiología,
indicadores, intervención, epidemiología y consecuencias, comparando estos resultados según el tipo
de gestión donde labora, lugar de formación académica y tiempo de servicio, a 73 docentes, de los
cuales, 43 son del nivel primario y 30 de inicial. Al finalizar la aplicación se encontró que los
docentes de nivel inicial tienen un mayor conocimiento que los docentes del nivel primario, se
observa también que los docentes del nivel primario tienen un mayor conocimiento en la dimensión
definición, etiología y epidemiología, sin embargo, las diferencias no son significativas, a diferencia
de los docentes de inicial que muestran un conocimiento significativamente mayor en las
dimensiones de indicadores, intervención y consecuencias. Asimismo, se concluye que el nivel de
conocimiento no varía significativamente según el tipo de gestión donde labora el docente, mientras
que sí varía según el lugar de formación y el tiempo de experiencia.
The purpose of this descriptive-comparative research, with a quantitative approach and nonexperimental design, is to determine whether there are significant differences in the knowledge of Language Development Disorder between early childhood and primary school teachers of educational institutions attached to UGEL 7. Therefore, the "Questionnaire of Knowledge of Language Development Disorder" was applied, adapted from Angles & Gutiérrez (2020), which consists of 27 binary choice questions grouped into 6 dimensions: definition, etiology, indicators, intervention, epidemiology and consequences, was used to compare these results according to the type of management where they work, place of academic training and length of service, to 73 teachers, of which 43 are from the primary level and 30 from the initial level. At the end of the application, it was found that teachers at the initial level have greater knowledge than teachers at the primary level. It was also observed that teachers at the primary level have greater knowledge in the dimensions of definition, etiology and epidemiology; however, the differences are not significant, unlike teachers at the initial level who show significantly greater knowledge in the dimensions of indicators, intervention and consequences. Likewise, it is concluded that the level of knowledge does not vary significantly according to the type of management where the teacher works, while it does vary according to the place of training and time of experience.
The purpose of this descriptive-comparative research, with a quantitative approach and nonexperimental design, is to determine whether there are significant differences in the knowledge of Language Development Disorder between early childhood and primary school teachers of educational institutions attached to UGEL 7. Therefore, the "Questionnaire of Knowledge of Language Development Disorder" was applied, adapted from Angles & Gutiérrez (2020), which consists of 27 binary choice questions grouped into 6 dimensions: definition, etiology, indicators, intervention, epidemiology and consequences, was used to compare these results according to the type of management where they work, place of academic training and length of service, to 73 teachers, of which 43 are from the primary level and 30 from the initial level. At the end of the application, it was found that teachers at the initial level have greater knowledge than teachers at the primary level. It was also observed that teachers at the primary level have greater knowledge in the dimensions of definition, etiology and epidemiology; however, the differences are not significant, unlike teachers at the initial level who show significantly greater knowledge in the dimensions of indicators, intervention and consequences. Likewise, it is concluded that the level of knowledge does not vary significantly according to the type of management where the teacher works, while it does vary according to the place of training and time of experience.
Palabras clave
Trastornos del habla en niños, Personal docente--Evaluación
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