Informe jurídico sobre la Resolución Directoral N° 138- 2014-EM/DGE
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este trabajo analiza la controversia por la superposición de concesiones de
distribución de energía en la zona de Olmos entre la empresa Electronorte S.A.
(ENSA) y la empresa Consorcio Eléctrico de Villacurí S.A.C. (COELVISAC).
COELVISAC obtuvo una concesión de distribución sobre esta zona el 22 de
enero de 2014 que le fue otorgada por la Dirección Regional de Energía y Minas
de Lambayeque a través de la Resolución Gerencial Regional N° 004-2014-
GR/LAMB/GRDP. Sin perjuicio de ello, con fecha 07 de abril de 2014 ENSA
obtiene una ampliación de la concesión de distribución por la misma zona a
través de la Resolución Suprema N° 019-2014-EM emitida por la Dirección
General de Electricidad (DGE) del MINEM.
Es así que COELVISAC presentó un recurso de reconsideración ante la DGE
con el objeto de que se declare la nulidad de la Resolución N° 019-2014-EM. Al
revisar este recurso, identificamos los siguientes problemas que analizaremos
para determinar si la concesión fue otorgada correctamente: i) si el MINEM tenía
competencia para emitir dicha Resolución, ii) si alguna de las partes tenía un
mejor derecho para recibir la concesión, iii) si el procedimiento de ampliación se
realizó adecuadamente y iv) si se vulneró el principio de subsidiariedad.
Se concluirá que no existen razones para sostener la nulidad de la Resolución
N° 019-2014-EM, ya que fue emitida por la entidad competente, el MINEM.
Asimismo, ENSA tenía un mejor derecho, el procedimiento seguido fue conforme
a Derecho y el principio de subsidiariedad no se ha vulnerado.
This paper analyzes the controversy surruounding the overlapping concessions of energy distribution in the Olmos area between Electronorte S.A. (ENSA) and Consorcio Eléctrico de Villacurí S.A.C. (COELVISAC). In this case, COELVISAC obtained a distribution concession for this area on January 22, 2014, granted by the Regional Directorate of Energy and Mines of Lambayeque through Regional Managerial Resolution No. 004-2014-GR/LAMB/GRDP. However, on April 7, 2014, ENSA obtained an extension of the distribution concession for the same area through the Supreme Resolution No. 019-2014-EM issued by the General Directorate of Electricity (DGE) of the MINEM. COELVISAC then filed a motion for reconsideration with the DGE, seeking to nullify Resolution No. 019-2014-EM. Upon reviewing this motion, we identified the following issues to determine whether the concession was granted correctly: i) whether MINEM had the authority to issue this Resolution, ii) whether either party had a better right to receive the concession, iii) whether the extension procedure was carried out properly, and iv) whether the principle of subsidiarity was violated. It will be concluded that there are no reasons to uphold the annulment of Resolution N° 019-2014-EM, as it was issued by the competent authority, MINEM. Furthermore, ENSA had a better right, the procedure followed was in accordance with the law, and the principle of subsidiarity was not violated.
This paper analyzes the controversy surruounding the overlapping concessions of energy distribution in the Olmos area between Electronorte S.A. (ENSA) and Consorcio Eléctrico de Villacurí S.A.C. (COELVISAC). In this case, COELVISAC obtained a distribution concession for this area on January 22, 2014, granted by the Regional Directorate of Energy and Mines of Lambayeque through Regional Managerial Resolution No. 004-2014-GR/LAMB/GRDP. However, on April 7, 2014, ENSA obtained an extension of the distribution concession for the same area through the Supreme Resolution No. 019-2014-EM issued by the General Directorate of Electricity (DGE) of the MINEM. COELVISAC then filed a motion for reconsideration with the DGE, seeking to nullify Resolution No. 019-2014-EM. Upon reviewing this motion, we identified the following issues to determine whether the concession was granted correctly: i) whether MINEM had the authority to issue this Resolution, ii) whether either party had a better right to receive the concession, iii) whether the extension procedure was carried out properly, and iv) whether the principle of subsidiarity was violated. It will be concluded that there are no reasons to uphold the annulment of Resolution N° 019-2014-EM, as it was issued by the competent authority, MINEM. Furthermore, ENSA had a better right, the procedure followed was in accordance with the law, and the principle of subsidiarity was not violated.
Palabras clave
Concesiones--Perú, Derecho administrativo--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Empresas eléctricas--Derecho--Perú, Subsidiariedad--Aspectos legales--Perú
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