El problema de la unidad en Izquierda Unida : un estudio de los procesos políticos contradictorios que impidieron la continuidad del proyecto unitario (Perú, 1980-1990)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación pretende establecer cuáles fueron y en qué consistieron los procesos políticos contradictorios que devinieron en la desintegración del frente político Izquierda Unida. Las pugnas de carácter ideológico, organizacional y comportamental constituyeron dimensiones contradictorias que a su vez conformaron procesos que se desplegaron a lo largo de su existencia: el de la unidad y exclusión, el de la agudización de las contradicciones y el de la desarticulación final; y que componen las partes integrantes del capítulo número tres ─el central de esta tesis─ denominado los procesos políticos contradictorios. Es en el tercer subcapítulo de la última parte indicada, en el que analizamos cómo en el I Congreso de Izquierda Unida la unidad se desintegró debido al comportamiento hegemonista que ejercieron todos sus actores integrantes. De esta manera, a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas realizadas a algunos actores protagonistas de esta historia y a analistas especializados en el tema, se corrobora que en la Plenaria sobre lo trabajado en la Comisión N° 4, la de Estatutos, se disputó lo verdaderamente importante para los actores: el control hegemónico del Comité Directivo Nacional, pero utilizando diversos medios sin importar su legitimidad; es decir se practicó un comportamiento hegemonista. En esta Comisión se aprobó que desde ese momento el máximo órgano de dirección nacional estaría compuesto por 15 miembros, opción que favorecía evidentemente a las organizaciones políticas en desmedro de los llamados no partidarizados. Finalmente, en la investigación se explica cómo el
comportamiento hegemonista no es considerado por algunos actores izquierdaunidistas como una expresión ética de la razón instrumental, mientras que otros sí lo reconocen proponiendo además una reflexión interesante que va más allá de la racionalidad política actual del propio socialismo el cual es uno de los resultados de la modernidad colonizadora en los ámbitos del saber y del poder
The intent of this research is to establish the causes and to explain the contradictory political processes that led to the disintegration of the political party Izquierda Unida. The ideological, organizational and behavior conflicts constituted contradictory which in turn caused processes throughout its existence such as: unity and exclusion, the intensification of the contradictions and the final disintegration; which are sections of chapter number three - the main one of this work - named the contradictory political processes. It is in the third subchapter of the third chapter where we analyze how in the First Assembly of Izquierda Unida, the unit disintegrated due to the hegemonic behavior of all its participating actors. Thus, through semi-structured interviews with some of the protagonists of this history and with analysts specialized in the subject, it is verified that in the Plenary Session concerning the work of Committee No. 4 (bylaws), what was truly important to the actors was discussed: the hegemonic control of the National Committee, but using different means regardless of their legitimacy; that is, a hegemonic behavior took place. In this Committee, it was approved that since that date the supreme national management body would be made up of 15 members, an option that obviously favored political organizations at the expense of the so-called non-partisan. Finally, the research explains how the hegemonic behavior is not considered by some left-wing actors as an ethical expression of the instrumental reason, while others do recognize it, also proposing an interesting reflection that goes beyond the current political rationality of the socialism itself which is one of the results of colonizing modernity in the fields of knowledge and power
The intent of this research is to establish the causes and to explain the contradictory political processes that led to the disintegration of the political party Izquierda Unida. The ideological, organizational and behavior conflicts constituted contradictory which in turn caused processes throughout its existence such as: unity and exclusion, the intensification of the contradictions and the final disintegration; which are sections of chapter number three - the main one of this work - named the contradictory political processes. It is in the third subchapter of the third chapter where we analyze how in the First Assembly of Izquierda Unida, the unit disintegrated due to the hegemonic behavior of all its participating actors. Thus, through semi-structured interviews with some of the protagonists of this history and with analysts specialized in the subject, it is verified that in the Plenary Session concerning the work of Committee No. 4 (bylaws), what was truly important to the actors was discussed: the hegemonic control of the National Committee, but using different means regardless of their legitimacy; that is, a hegemonic behavior took place. In this Committee, it was approved that since that date the supreme national management body would be made up of 15 members, an option that obviously favored political organizations at the expense of the so-called non-partisan. Finally, the research explains how the hegemonic behavior is not considered by some left-wing actors as an ethical expression of the instrumental reason, while others do recognize it, also proposing an interesting reflection that goes beyond the current political rationality of the socialism itself which is one of the results of colonizing modernity in the fields of knowledge and power
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