Conocimiento sobre la dificultad específica de aprendizaje de la lectura (DEAL) en docentes del nivel primario de Instituciones Educativas públicas y privadas del distrito de La Molina
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La presente investigación es de tipo cuantitativa y de diseño descriptivo – comparativo,
cuyo objetivo principal fue conocer el nivel del conocimiento acerca de la dislexia que
poseen los docentes del nivel primario del distrito de La Molina, y determinar si existen
diferencias en función al tipo de gestión educativa y a los años de experiencia. La muestra
fue elegida de manera intencional, quedando conformada por 70 docentes de instituciones
de educación básica regular públicas y privadas ubicadas en el distrito de La Molina. Se
adaptó el cuestionario de conocimiento de los docentes sobre dislexia de Ruiz y Vaz (2014),
obteniéndose la validez de contenido por el método de juicio de expertos, con un valor de
V de Aiken equivalente a 0.87; y registrándose para la confiabilidad un índice alfa de
Cronbach de 0,713. Ambos valores permiten establecer que el instrumento es válido y
confiable. Los resultados muestran que los docentes poseen un nivel medio en su
conocimiento sobre la dislexia. Asimismo, se encontró que hay diferencia en el nivel de
conocimiento sobre dislexia, en función al tipo de gestión educativa. En conclusión, las
dimensiones del conocimiento sobre dislexia con nivel medio predominante corresponden
a Habilidades prelectoras y Síntomas; mientras que las dimensiones que sobresalen con
nivel bajo son las de Definición y Etiología. Por último, se concluye que los docentes del
nivel primario de instituciones educativas privadas presentan un mayor nivel de
conocimiento sobre dislexia, en comparación con los docentes de instituciones educativas
The present investigation is of quantitative type and descriptive - comparative design, whose main objective was to know the level of knowledge about dyslexia that primary level teachers of the district of La Molina have, and to determine if there are differences depending on the type of dyslexia. educational management and years of experience. The sample was chosen intentionally, being made up of 70 teachers from public and private regular basic education institutions located in the district of La Molina. The teachers' knowledge questionnaire on dyslexia by Ruiz and Vaz (2014) was adapted, obtaining content validity by the expert judgment method, with an Aiken's V value equivalent to 0.87; and registering for reliability a Cronbach's alpha index of 0.713. Both values allow establishing that the instrument is valid and reliable. The results show that teachers have a medium level of knowledge about dyslexia. Likewise, it was found that there is a difference in the level of knowledge about dyslexia, depending on the type of educational management. In conclusion, the dimensions of knowledge about dyslexia with a predominant medium level correspond to Pre-reading skills and Symptoms; while the dimensions that stand out with a low level are those of Definition and Etiology. Finally, it is concluded that teachers at the primary level of private educational institutions have a higher level of knowledge about dyslexia, compared to teachers of public educational institutions.
The present investigation is of quantitative type and descriptive - comparative design, whose main objective was to know the level of knowledge about dyslexia that primary level teachers of the district of La Molina have, and to determine if there are differences depending on the type of dyslexia. educational management and years of experience. The sample was chosen intentionally, being made up of 70 teachers from public and private regular basic education institutions located in the district of La Molina. The teachers' knowledge questionnaire on dyslexia by Ruiz and Vaz (2014) was adapted, obtaining content validity by the expert judgment method, with an Aiken's V value equivalent to 0.87; and registering for reliability a Cronbach's alpha index of 0.713. Both values allow establishing that the instrument is valid and reliable. The results show that teachers have a medium level of knowledge about dyslexia. Likewise, it was found that there is a difference in the level of knowledge about dyslexia, depending on the type of educational management. In conclusion, the dimensions of knowledge about dyslexia with a predominant medium level correspond to Pre-reading skills and Symptoms; while the dimensions that stand out with a low level are those of Definition and Etiology. Finally, it is concluded that teachers at the primary level of private educational institutions have a higher level of knowledge about dyslexia, compared to teachers of public educational institutions.
Palabras clave
Dislexia, Trastornos del aprendizaje (Educación), Educación primaria--Investigaciones
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