Actos y efectos contractuales existentes en cuanto a defectos u omisiones de la formula polinómica o de reajuste en el régimen general de la contratación pública – Ley N° 30225 y su reglamento
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Los contratos de ejecución de obras públicas son el mayor componente dentro
del marco de la ley de contrataciones con el Estado, sabido es que el paso de
tiempo suele generar marcadas distancias entre el monto consignado en el
expediente técnico de obra y el obtenido como resultado de la liquidación de
obra, ante ello tanto la ingeniería como el derecho no han sido esquivos a tal
realidad, pues el marco general establece el uso de las denominadas formulas
polinómicas o de reajuste de precios, las cuales son de obligatoria inclusión, y
más aún, una vez establecidas no pueden ser materia de modificación, ya que
serina una clara expresión del principio de equidad o equilibrio económico
Por otro lado, dentro de la ejecución contractual la Entidad tiene el ejercicio de
las denominadas prerrogativas exorbitantes y el contratista tiene como un acto
contractual de obligatorio cumplimiento, ya en ejecución de obra, el emitir el
informe de revisión del expediente técnico de obra, ultima oportunidad para
establecer defectos u otros del expediente técnico que tengan incidencia en la
ejecución de la obra.
En este contexto el presente trabajo buscara analizar y entrecruzar las variables
descritas para establecer que las fórmulas polinómicas o de reajuste de precios
pueden y deben ser incluidas o modificadas, independientemente del marco
normativo que impide su modificación y sin importar que el afectado sea la
Entidad o el contratista, pues estas son una primera expresión del principio de
equidad, principio que buscaría concretizar la finalidad publica con una obra de
The contracts for the execution of public works are the largest component within the framework of the law of contracting with the State, it is known that the passage of time usually generates marked distances between the amount consigned in the technical file of work and that obtained as a result of the liquidation of work, before this both engineering and law have not been elusive to such reality, Since the general framework establishes the use of the so-called polynomial formulas or price readjustment, which are mandatory inclusion, and moreover, once established they cannot be subject to modification, since it will be a clear expression of the principle of equity or economic and financial balance. On the other hand, within the contractual execution the Entity has the exercise of the so-called exorbitant prerogatives, and the contractor has as a contractual act of mandatory compliance, already in execution of work, to issue the review report of the technical file of work, last opportunity to establish defects or others of the technical file that have an impact on the execution of the work. In this context, this paper will seek to analyze and intersect the variables described to establish that polynomial formulas or price readjustment can and should be included or modified, regardless of the regulatory framework that prevents their modification and regardless of whether the affected is the Entity or the contractor, since these are a first expression of the principle of equity, principle that would seek to concretize the public purpose with a quality work.
The contracts for the execution of public works are the largest component within the framework of the law of contracting with the State, it is known that the passage of time usually generates marked distances between the amount consigned in the technical file of work and that obtained as a result of the liquidation of work, before this both engineering and law have not been elusive to such reality, Since the general framework establishes the use of the so-called polynomial formulas or price readjustment, which are mandatory inclusion, and moreover, once established they cannot be subject to modification, since it will be a clear expression of the principle of equity or economic and financial balance. On the other hand, within the contractual execution the Entity has the exercise of the so-called exorbitant prerogatives, and the contractor has as a contractual act of mandatory compliance, already in execution of work, to issue the review report of the technical file of work, last opportunity to establish defects or others of the technical file that have an impact on the execution of the work. In this context, this paper will seek to analyze and intersect the variables described to establish that polynomial formulas or price readjustment can and should be included or modified, regardless of the regulatory framework that prevents their modification and regardless of whether the affected is the Entity or the contractor, since these are a first expression of the principle of equity, principle that would seek to concretize the public purpose with a quality work.
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