La influencia de la implementación de las tecnologías de información en la productividad de empresas de servicios
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En la era actual es posible observar cómo evolucionan las tecnologías de información (TI) a
un ritmo vertiginoso. Muchos países desarrollados utilizan las tecnologías de información
(TI) para generar procesos más sistematizados y eficientes dentro de las firmas. Existen
varias investigaciones empíricas que demuestran que en estos países la inversión en
tecnologías de información ha provocado un impacto importante en el desempeño y la
productividad de las empresas. El objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar la relación
entre las TI y la productividad de las firmas del sector de servicios en Ecuador. Además, en el
presente estudio se analizó si la inversión en capacitación, la gestión del conocimiento y las
prácticas administrativas moderan la relación entre las TI y la productividad. La metodología
de investigación utilizada fue la de datos de panel y de regresión logística binaria, por lo que
el presente estudio es de lógica deductiva y de enfoque cuantitativo. El paradigma que se
utilizó es de horizonte positivista, de lógica deductiva y de diseño no experimental. La
recolección de los datos se realizó a partir de información primaria y secundaria que permitió
generar un trabajo sólido y robusto. También, un análisis de estadística descriptiva profunda
y de normalidad de cada una de las variables que ingresan en el estudio fue realizado, con un
testeo de hipótesis riguroso y un análisis de los índices de bondad de ajuste para explicar de
mejor forma la estructura del modelo utilizado. El análisis de datos de panel es relevante para
determinar si hay variables moderadoras y variables explicativas que impacten directamente
en la variable endógena, que en este caso es la productividad de las empresas de servicios.
Finalmente, se desarrolló un análisis de logística binaria, que es un método estadístico
apropiado para poder determinar si los dispositivos, funcionalidades y potencialidades de las
TI influyen en la productividad de las firmas de servicios. El sector de servicios fue tomado
en consideración como población del presente estudio; ya que en dicho sector existe una gran
diversificación de estratos que enriquecen la investigación
Today we live in the era of technology and we can observe how it evolves everywhere at a vertiginous pace. Many developed countries use information technology (IT) to generate more systematized and efficient processes within firms. There are several empirical studies that show that in these countries, investment in information technology has had a significant impact on the performance and productivity of companies. The objective of this research is to analyze the relationship between IT and the productivity of firms from the service sector in Ecuador. In addition, this study analyzed whether the investment in training, knowledge management and administrative practices moderate the relationship between IT and productivity. The research used the methodology of panel data and binary logistic regression, so this study is of deductive logic and quantitative approach. The proposed paradigm is of positivist horizon, deductive logic and of non-experimental design. The data collection was done based on primary and secondary information that allowed to generate a solid and robust work. We also performed a descriptive and deep statistical analysis of each of the variables considered in the study, with a rigorous hypothesis test and an analysis of goodness of fit indexes to better explain the structure of the model used. The analysis of panel data is relevant to know if there are moderating variables and explanatory variables that directly affect the endogenous variable, which in this case is the productivity of service companies. Finally, a binary logistic analysis was developed, which is an appropriate statistical method to determine if the devices, functionalities and potentialities of IT influence the productivity of service firms. The service sector was taken into consideration for the population in this study; since there is a great diversification of strata in this sector that enrich this research
Today we live in the era of technology and we can observe how it evolves everywhere at a vertiginous pace. Many developed countries use information technology (IT) to generate more systematized and efficient processes within firms. There are several empirical studies that show that in these countries, investment in information technology has had a significant impact on the performance and productivity of companies. The objective of this research is to analyze the relationship between IT and the productivity of firms from the service sector in Ecuador. In addition, this study analyzed whether the investment in training, knowledge management and administrative practices moderate the relationship between IT and productivity. The research used the methodology of panel data and binary logistic regression, so this study is of deductive logic and quantitative approach. The proposed paradigm is of positivist horizon, deductive logic and of non-experimental design. The data collection was done based on primary and secondary information that allowed to generate a solid and robust work. We also performed a descriptive and deep statistical analysis of each of the variables considered in the study, with a rigorous hypothesis test and an analysis of goodness of fit indexes to better explain the structure of the model used. The analysis of panel data is relevant to know if there are moderating variables and explanatory variables that directly affect the endogenous variable, which in this case is the productivity of service companies. Finally, a binary logistic analysis was developed, which is an appropriate statistical method to determine if the devices, functionalities and potentialities of IT influence the productivity of service firms. The service sector was taken into consideration for the population in this study; since there is a great diversification of strata in this sector that enrich this research
Palabras clave
Empresas de servicios, Innovación tecnológica--Ecuador, Investigación cuantitativa