Percepciones de los docentes de Ciencia y Tecnología sobre la estrategia Aprendo en Casa como recurso para la planificación de la educación a distancia remota en tres instituciones públicas del Callao
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación aborda el tema del uso y la aplicación de los recursos
pedagógicos que ofrece la estrategia “Aprendo en Casa”, como insumos para la
planificación de experiencias de aprendizaje, en el contexto de la educación a
distancia remota por efectos de la pandemia provocada por la COVID-19. El estudio
busca comprender, desde la percepción de los docentes del área de Ciencia y
Tecnología, cómo los recursos de la estrategia “Aprendo en Casa” son
aprovechados para la planificación de experiencias de aprendizaje en el marco de
la educación a distancia remota.
El enfoque de la investigación es cualitativo, de corte descriptivo y se emplea el
método de estudio de caso de tipo instrumental. Se aplica la técnica de la entrevista
semiestructurada para el recojo de la información, siendo el instrumento la guía de
entrevista que orientó la conversación con seis docentes del área de Ciencia y
Tecnología de tres instituciones educativas de la región Callao. A partir del análisis
y la discusión de los resultados se concluye que los docentes hacen uso de las
herramientas que ofrece “Aprendo en Casa” para la planificación de las
experiencias de aprendizaje y la evaluación formativa que pueden ser diversificadas
en función al contexto y las necesidades de los estudiantes; además, reconocen
que estos recursos son de fácil acceso y relevantes para la labor pedagógica, dado
que optimizan el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en las actuales situaciones
de emergencia sanitaria.
This research addresses the issue of the use and application of the pedagogical resources offered by the "I learn at home" strategy, as inputs for the planning of learning experiences, in the context of remote distance education due to the effects of the pandemic caused by COVID-19. The study seeks to understand, from the perception of teachers in the area of Science and Technology, how the resources of the "I learn at home" strategy are used for the planning of learning experiences within the framework of remote distance education. The research approach is qualitative, descriptive and the instrumental case study method is used. The semi-structured interview technique is applied to collect the information, the instrument being the interview guide that guided the conversation with six teachers from the area of Science and Technology from three educational institutions in the Callao region. From the analysis and discussion of the results, it is concluded that teachers make use of the tools offered by "I learn at home" for planning learning experiences and formative evaluation that can be diversified depending on the context and needs. of the students; In addition, they recognize that these resources are easily accessible and relevant for pedagogical work, since they optimize the teaching and learning process in current health emergency situations.
This research addresses the issue of the use and application of the pedagogical resources offered by the "I learn at home" strategy, as inputs for the planning of learning experiences, in the context of remote distance education due to the effects of the pandemic caused by COVID-19. The study seeks to understand, from the perception of teachers in the area of Science and Technology, how the resources of the "I learn at home" strategy are used for the planning of learning experiences within the framework of remote distance education. The research approach is qualitative, descriptive and the instrumental case study method is used. The semi-structured interview technique is applied to collect the information, the instrument being the interview guide that guided the conversation with six teachers from the area of Science and Technology from three educational institutions in the Callao region. From the analysis and discussion of the results, it is concluded that teachers make use of the tools offered by "I learn at home" for planning learning experiences and formative evaluation that can be diversified depending on the context and needs. of the students; In addition, they recognize that these resources are easily accessible and relevant for pedagogical work, since they optimize the teaching and learning process in current health emergency situations.
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