Nivel de competencia matemática temprana en niños de 4 años de una I.E. de gestión pública y una I.E. de gestión privada del distrito de Santa Anita
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación responde a la necesidad de conocer el nivel de
competencia matemática en la que se encuentran los niños de 4 años, para detectar
oportunamente posibles dificultades de aprendizaje numérico. El objetivo general de este
estudio es comparar la competencia matemática temprana en niños de 4 años de una
institución educativa pública y de una privada. El tipo de investigación es descriptivo, con
diseño no experimental, transversal y descriptivo comparativo. La muestra es de 90
estudiantes de inicial 4 años, 56 de gestión pública y 34 de gestión privada. Se utilizó el
Test de Evaluación de Matemática Temprana TEMT. Los resultados indican diferencias
significativas entre las puntuaciones medias en la competencia matemática temprana (t=-
4,165; p=0,000), registrándose una mayor puntuación media en los niños de la I.E. privada.
Asimismo, se encuentra diferencia significativa en las habilidades de seriación (t=-2,044;
p=0,022), conteo verbal (t=3,935; p=0,000), conteo estructurado (t=-3,631; p=0,000),
conteo resultante (t=2,616; p=0,005) y el conocimiento general de los números (t=-3,593;
p=0,005), con puntuación media a favor de los niños de I.E de gestión privada. Se llega a
la conclusión de que existe diferencia estadísticamente significativa en la competencia
matemática temprana de los grupos evaluados, encontrándose una puntuación media
favorable a los estudiantes de la I.E de gestión privada; no obstante, en las habilidades de
comparación, clasificación y correspondencia no se registra diferencia significativa entre
los estudiantes de ambas instituciones educativas de gestión pública y privada.
The present investigation responds to the need to know the level of mathematical competence in which 4-year-old children are, in order to timely detect possible numerical learning difficulties. The general objective of this study is to compare early mathematical competence in 4-year-old children from a public and a private educational institution. The type of research is descriptive, with a non-experimental, cross-sectional and descriptivecomparative design. The sample is 90 students of initial 4 years, 56 of public management and 34 of private management. The TEMT Early Mathematics Assessment Test was used. The results indicate significant differences between the average scores in early mathematical competence (t=-4.165; p=0.000), registering a higher average score in the children of the private educational institution. Likewise, there is a significant difference in serialization skills (t=-2.044; p=0.022), verbal counting (t=3.935; p=0.000), structured counting (t=-3.631; p=0.000), resulting counting (t=2.616; p=0.005) and general knowledge of numbers (t=-3.593; p=0.005), with an average score in favor of the children of privately run I.E. It is concluded that there is a statistically significant difference in the early mathematical competence of the groups evaluated, finding a favorable average score for the students of the privately run I.E; however, in the comparison, classification and correspondence skills there is no significant difference between the students of both public and private educational institutions.
The present investigation responds to the need to know the level of mathematical competence in which 4-year-old children are, in order to timely detect possible numerical learning difficulties. The general objective of this study is to compare early mathematical competence in 4-year-old children from a public and a private educational institution. The type of research is descriptive, with a non-experimental, cross-sectional and descriptivecomparative design. The sample is 90 students of initial 4 years, 56 of public management and 34 of private management. The TEMT Early Mathematics Assessment Test was used. The results indicate significant differences between the average scores in early mathematical competence (t=-4.165; p=0.000), registering a higher average score in the children of the private educational institution. Likewise, there is a significant difference in serialization skills (t=-2.044; p=0.022), verbal counting (t=3.935; p=0.000), structured counting (t=-3.631; p=0.000), resulting counting (t=2.616; p=0.005) and general knowledge of numbers (t=-3.593; p=0.005), with an average score in favor of the children of privately run I.E. It is concluded that there is a statistically significant difference in the early mathematical competence of the groups evaluated, finding a favorable average score for the students of the privately run I.E; however, in the comparison, classification and correspondence skills there is no significant difference between the students of both public and private educational institutions.
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