Informe Jurídico sobre la Casación Nº 841-2015/Ayacucho
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo se aboca al análisis de la Casación Nº 841-2015/Ayacucho, que aborda
aspectos fundamentales del delito de negociación incompatible en un contexto bastante
particular. Así, en la referida resolución, se identifican los siguientes problemas jurídicos: i)
la falta de relevancia penal de los denominados defectos administrativos en las contrataciones
directas en situación de emergencia, ii) la imposibilidad de admitir la participación del
extraneus en el delito de negociación incompatible y iii) la importancia probatoria del
provecho como elemento de tendencia interna trascendente del delito de negociación
Durante la resolución de cada problema jurídico, a partir de la revisión de diversa doctrina
nacional e internacional, se abordan diversos temas. Entre estos, se encuentra la diferencia
entre el Derecho Penal y el Derecho Administrativo, la importancia del análisis caso por caso,
el fundamento de la participación en los delitos especiales cometidos por funcionarios
públicos contra la Administración Pública y el estándar probatorio de elementos subjetivos
del tipo.
The present work focuses on the analysis of Cassation Nº 841-2015/Ayacucho, which addresses fundamental aspects of the crime of incompatible negotiation in a very particular context. Thus, in the aforementioned resolution, the following legal problems are identified: i) the lack of criminal relevance of the so-called administrative defects in direct contracting in an emergency situation, ii) the impossibility of admitting the participation of the extraneus in the crime of negotiation incompatible and iii) the probative importance of profit as an element of transcendent internal trend of the crime of incompatible negotiation. During the resolution of each legal problem, from the review of various national and international doctrine, various topics are addressed. Among these, there is the difference between Criminal Law and Administrative Law, the importance of case-by-case analysis, the basis of participation in special crimes committed by public officials against the Public Administration and the evidentiary standard of subjective elements of the type.
The present work focuses on the analysis of Cassation Nº 841-2015/Ayacucho, which addresses fundamental aspects of the crime of incompatible negotiation in a very particular context. Thus, in the aforementioned resolution, the following legal problems are identified: i) the lack of criminal relevance of the so-called administrative defects in direct contracting in an emergency situation, ii) the impossibility of admitting the participation of the extraneus in the crime of negotiation incompatible and iii) the probative importance of profit as an element of transcendent internal trend of the crime of incompatible negotiation. During the resolution of each legal problem, from the review of various national and international doctrine, various topics are addressed. Among these, there is the difference between Criminal Law and Administrative Law, the importance of case-by-case analysis, the basis of participation in special crimes committed by public officials against the Public Administration and the evidentiary standard of subjective elements of the type.
Palabras clave
Recurso de casación--Jurisprudencia--Perú--Ayacucho, Negociación--Legislación--Perú--Ayacucho, Delitos de los funcionarios--Legislación--Perú--Ayacucho
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