Percepciones docentes sobre la concreción del enfoque por competencias en las experiencias de aprendizaje de la competencia “construye interpretaciones históricas” en el nivel secundario de una institución pública
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación aborda el tema de la concreción del enfoque por
competencias (EC) en la educación básica peruana, específicamente de la
competencia “construye interpretaciones históricas” (CIH) partiendo de las
experiencias de aprendizaje. Los objetivos fueron: i) Describir las percepciones de
los docentes del área de Ciencias Sociales del nivel de educación secundaria sobre
el EC en el marco del Currículo Nacional, ii) Identificar aspectos que facilitan la
concreción del EC en las experiencias de aprendizaje de la competencia CIH desde
la perspectiva de los docentes, e iii) Identificar aspectos críticos en la concreción
del EC en las experiencias de aprendizaje de la competencia CIH desde la
perspectiva de los docentes.
Esta investigación fue realizada bajo un enfoque cualitativo a través de un estudio
de caso. La información fue recolectada mediante una entrevista semiestructurada
a 5 docentes (con más de 15 años de experiencia) del área de Ciencias Sociales
de una institución educativa pública. Así, la percepción de estos docentes sobre la
concreción del EC fue analizada de manera narrativa. Respecto a los resultados,
los docentes tienen conocimientos principalmente técnicos (planificación, diseño y
evaluación) para aplicar el EC en las experiencias de aprendizaje; sin embargo,
desconocen sus bases teóricas. Además, se presentan dificultades para desarrollar
el enfoque CIH en sus experiencias de aprendizaje pues faltan condiciones (es
decir, habilidades para la lectura) en los estudiantes y la organización del Estado.
This research addresses the issue of the implementation of the competency-based approach (CBA) in Peruvian basic education, specifically the “Building historical interpretations” (BHI) competence based on their learning experiences. The study's aims were: i) to describe the perceptions of teachers belonging to the Social Sciences area of a secondary education level about CBA in the National Curriculum framework, ii) to identify aspects that facilitate the realization of CBA in learning experiences of BHI from the teachers' perspective, and iii) to identify critical aspects in the realization of CBA in learning experiences of BHI from the teachers' perspective. The study’s methodology was based on a qualitative approach through a case study. The information was collected using a semi-structured interview conducted with XX teachers (with more than 15 years of experience) belonging to the Social Sciences area of a public educational institution. Thus, the perception of these teachers about the CE realization was analyzed in a narrative way. Regarding the results, teachers have mainly technical knowledge (planning, design and evaluation) to apply the CBA in learning experiences; however, their theoretical bases are unknown. In addition, there are difficulties in to implement the CHI competence in their learning experiences because conditions (i. e., reading skills) are lacking in the students and the organization of the State.
This research addresses the issue of the implementation of the competency-based approach (CBA) in Peruvian basic education, specifically the “Building historical interpretations” (BHI) competence based on their learning experiences. The study's aims were: i) to describe the perceptions of teachers belonging to the Social Sciences area of a secondary education level about CBA in the National Curriculum framework, ii) to identify aspects that facilitate the realization of CBA in learning experiences of BHI from the teachers' perspective, and iii) to identify critical aspects in the realization of CBA in learning experiences of BHI from the teachers' perspective. The study’s methodology was based on a qualitative approach through a case study. The information was collected using a semi-structured interview conducted with XX teachers (with more than 15 years of experience) belonging to the Social Sciences area of a public educational institution. Thus, the perception of these teachers about the CE realization was analyzed in a narrative way. Regarding the results, teachers have mainly technical knowledge (planning, design and evaluation) to apply the CBA in learning experiences; however, their theoretical bases are unknown. In addition, there are difficulties in to implement the CHI competence in their learning experiences because conditions (i. e., reading skills) are lacking in the students and the organization of the State.
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