Estudio exploratorio en Ayacucho : atribuciones causales, características socioculturales y rendimiento académico en estudiantes de educación
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En la región Ayacucho se identificó una problemática relacionada a la formación inicial
docente. Cabanillas (2011) encontró una disminución del rendimiento académico de los
estudiantes de educación y un aumento en el número de desaprobados. Esta investigación
nace con el propósito de aproximarse a la comprensión de esta realidad desde una perspectiva
psicológica incorporando características socioculturales. Para ello se identificó y analizó la
relación entre las atribuciones causales de éxito y fracaso académico, las características
socioculturales y el rendimiento académico. Se aplicó la Escala de Atribuciones Causales de
Éxito y Fracaso Académico - EACEFA (Obando, 2009), el Cuestionario de Exploración de
las Dimensiones Causales – CEDC, la Ficha Sociodemográfica y se recogió el promedio
ponderado de los estudiantes. En total, participaron 40 estudiantes de educación de un
instituto de educación superior pedagógico de la región Ayacucho. Se encontró una relación
positiva entre la atribución causal del fracaso por falta esfuerzo y el rendimiento académico
(r =.47,p<.05). Esta relación aumenta para muestras segmentadas por diferentes
características socioculturales (lengua materna de la madre y padre del estudiante, lugar de
nacimiento de la madre y del padre del estudiante). Asimismo, se halló diferencias entre las
atribuciones (atribución del éxito por habilidad y atribución de fracaso por habilidad) de
acuerdo con la lengua materna de la madre, así como diferencias entre dimensiones causales
(dimensiones de locus y control de la habilidad, la dimensión de control de la dificultad de la
tarea y la dimensión dela estabilidad del esfuerzo) según cinco características socioculturales.
In the Ayacucho region initial teaching training deficiencies were identified. Cabanillas (2011) found a decrease in academic performance of education student and an increase onacademic failure. The purpose of this study was to understand this reality from a psychology perspective incorporating cultural aspects. Relations between causal attributions, sociocultural aspects and academic performance were identified and analyzed. The Escala de Atribuciones Causales de Éxito y Fracaso Académico- EACEFA (Obando, 2009), the Questionnaire that explores the Causal Dimensions - CEDC, and a Sociodemographicquestionnairewere applied and students´ gradeswere collected from the institute. Participants were 40 studentsfroma Higher Pedagogical Education Institute in Ayacucho. A positive relation between causal attribution of failure by effort and academic performance was found (r = .47,p<.05). This relation was greater for segmented samples by different sociocultural characteristics (mother and father´s tongue, birthplace ofmother and father).Also, differences between the attributions (attribution of success by ability and attribution for failure by ability) were found according to mother tongue´s, as well as differences between causal dimensions (locus and control dimensions of ability, control dimension of difficulty of the task and stability dimension of effort) according to five sociocultural characteristics.
In the Ayacucho region initial teaching training deficiencies were identified. Cabanillas (2011) found a decrease in academic performance of education student and an increase onacademic failure. The purpose of this study was to understand this reality from a psychology perspective incorporating cultural aspects. Relations between causal attributions, sociocultural aspects and academic performance were identified and analyzed. The Escala de Atribuciones Causales de Éxito y Fracaso Académico- EACEFA (Obando, 2009), the Questionnaire that explores the Causal Dimensions - CEDC, and a Sociodemographicquestionnairewere applied and students´ gradeswere collected from the institute. Participants were 40 studentsfroma Higher Pedagogical Education Institute in Ayacucho. A positive relation between causal attribution of failure by effort and academic performance was found (r = .47,p<.05). This relation was greater for segmented samples by different sociocultural characteristics (mother and father´s tongue, birthplace ofmother and father).Also, differences between the attributions (attribution of success by ability and attribution for failure by ability) were found according to mother tongue´s, as well as differences between causal dimensions (locus and control dimensions of ability, control dimension of difficulty of the task and stability dimension of effort) according to five sociocultural characteristics.
Palabras clave
Formación profesional de maestros., Rendimiento académico, Estudiantes universitarios--Investigaciones.
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