Diligencia en la ejecución contractual para la satisfacción de interés general involucrado: injerencia de la acción e inacción del Programa Nacional de Asistencia Alimentaria frente a los incumplimientos contractuales del Consorcio de Alimentos S.A.C. en atención a un adecuado desarrollo del Contrato N° 010-2012-MIDIS-PRONAA
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el marco de la etapa de ejecución contractual en el sector público existen distintos
mecanismos e instrumentos legales que pueden ser utilizados tanto por la
Administración Pública como por el particular, de tal manera que se requiera proteger
los derechos e intereses involucrados. Ello cobra especial importancia al tratarse de
contrataciones públicas que implican la satisfacción de un interés general
particularmente sensible como es la erradicación de la desnutrición crónica infantil en el
territorio peruano.
En tal sentido, el Programa Nacional de Asistencia Alimentaria – PRONAA fue un intento
para procurar implementar acciones conforme las políticas públicas en línea con lo antes
Sin embargo, a partir del análisis de la normativa de Contrataciones del Estado y los
términos y condiciones particulares respecto de la ejecución del Contrato N° 010-2012-
MIDIS-PRONAA para la adquisición del producto “papilla”, se observa una considerable
responsabilidad por parte del PRONAA en relación a la falta en el deber de procura y
garantía del interés general involucrado, tras haber generado desabastecimiento,
ineficiencia en el uso de los recursos públicos, riesgo a la salud, entre otros.
Dicha responsabilidad involucra, entre otros factores, acciones o inacciones en el uso
de mecanismos legales a disposición de la Entidad para poder satisfacer las
necesidades de la población, así como procurar e instar el cumplimiento de la empresa
Consorcio de Alimentos S.A.C. para cumplir con la finalidad pública de la contratación.
Within the scope of the contractual execution stage in the public sector there are different mechanisms and legal instruments that could be used both by the Public Administration and by the private part regarding the rights and interests involved and required to be protected. This is particularly important when dealing with public contracts that involves the satisfaction of a particularly sensitive general interest, such as the eradication of chronic child malnutrition in the Peruvian territory. Therefore, the National Food Assistance Program – “PRONAA” was an attempt to attempt to take actions in accordance with public policies in line with the abovementioned. However, based on the analysis of the regulations of Public Procurement and the particular terms and conditions regarding the execution of Contract No. 010-2012-MIDIS PRONAA for the acquisition of the product "papilla", a significant responsibility of PRONAA is noted regarding the duty to seek and guarantee the general interest involved, after having generated shortage, inefficiency in the use of public resources, risk to health, among others. Such responsibility involves, among other factors, actions or inactions related to the use of legal mechanisms available to the Entity to fulfill the needs of the population, as well as to seek and encourage the compliance of the company “Consorcio de Alimentos S.A.C.” in order to satisfy the public purpose of the contract.
Within the scope of the contractual execution stage in the public sector there are different mechanisms and legal instruments that could be used both by the Public Administration and by the private part regarding the rights and interests involved and required to be protected. This is particularly important when dealing with public contracts that involves the satisfaction of a particularly sensitive general interest, such as the eradication of chronic child malnutrition in the Peruvian territory. Therefore, the National Food Assistance Program – “PRONAA” was an attempt to attempt to take actions in accordance with public policies in line with the abovementioned. However, based on the analysis of the regulations of Public Procurement and the particular terms and conditions regarding the execution of Contract No. 010-2012-MIDIS PRONAA for the acquisition of the product "papilla", a significant responsibility of PRONAA is noted regarding the duty to seek and guarantee the general interest involved, after having generated shortage, inefficiency in the use of public resources, risk to health, among others. Such responsibility involves, among other factors, actions or inactions related to the use of legal mechanisms available to the Entity to fulfill the needs of the population, as well as to seek and encourage the compliance of the company “Consorcio de Alimentos S.A.C.” in order to satisfy the public purpose of the contract.
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