Efectos de la enseñanza remota en el aprendizaje de la competencia matemática en preescolares de 5 años en instituciones educativas públicas y privadas de Lima y Pisco
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El desarrollo de las competencias matemáticas en estudiantes de 5 años durante la
pandemia por COVID-19, conllevó grandes retos para la comunidad educativa,
principalmente para los docentes, ya que implicó migrar el aula de clases a los medios
digitales y cambiar sus métodos de enseñanza. Por consiguiente, el rol del docente
después de la pandemia significó un gran avance en cuanto a las estrategias de enseñanza
y herramientas; sin embargo, el aprendizaje de los estudiantes se desarrolló dependiendo
de los recursos a los que tenían acceso y a las necesidades presentes en su hogar y en el
colegio. La presente investigación, tiene como objetivo determinar el efecto de la
enseñanza remota e identificar si existen diferencias en el desarrollo de la competencia
matemática en preescolares de 5 años en instituciones educativas públicas y privadas de
Lima y Pisco. Con esta finalidad, se desarrolló una investigación cuantitativa, sustantiva de
diseño ex post facto y descriptivo comparativo; aplicando un instrumento cuantitativo
(prueba EVAMAT – 0) a una muestra de 200 niños de 5 años de edad divididos en: 50
niños de un colegio privado en Lima, 50 niños de un colegio público en Lima, 50 niños de
un colegio privado en Pisco y 50 niños de un colegio público en Pisco. Los resultados
indican que existen diferencias significativas en el nivel de desarrollo en las competencias
matemáticas en relación a la ubicación y gestión.
The development of mathematical skills in 5-year-old students during the COVID19 pandemic brought great challenges for the educational community, mainly for teachers, since it involved migrating the classroom to digital media and changing their teaching methods. Therefore, the role of the teacher after the pandemic meant a great advance in terms of teaching strategies and tools; however, student learning developed depended on the resources to which they had access and the needs present at home and at school. The objective of this research is to determine the effect of remote learning and to identify if there are differences in the development of mathematical competence in 5-year-old preschoolers in public and private educational institutions in Lima and Pisco. For this purpose, a quantitative, substantive investigation of ex post facto design and comparative descriptive was developed; applying a quantitative instrument (EVAMAT test - 0) to a sample of 200 5-year-old children divided into: 50 children from a private school in Lima, 50 children from a public school in Lima, 50 children from a private school in Pisco and 50 children from a public school in Pisco. The results indicate that there are significant differences in the level of development in mathematical skills in relation to location and management.
The development of mathematical skills in 5-year-old students during the COVID19 pandemic brought great challenges for the educational community, mainly for teachers, since it involved migrating the classroom to digital media and changing their teaching methods. Therefore, the role of the teacher after the pandemic meant a great advance in terms of teaching strategies and tools; however, student learning developed depended on the resources to which they had access and the needs present at home and at school. The objective of this research is to determine the effect of remote learning and to identify if there are differences in the development of mathematical competence in 5-year-old preschoolers in public and private educational institutions in Lima and Pisco. For this purpose, a quantitative, substantive investigation of ex post facto design and comparative descriptive was developed; applying a quantitative instrument (EVAMAT test - 0) to a sample of 200 5-year-old children divided into: 50 children from a private school in Lima, 50 children from a public school in Lima, 50 children from a private school in Pisco and 50 children from a public school in Pisco. The results indicate that there are significant differences in the level of development in mathematical skills in relation to location and management.
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