Evaluación de requerimientos de ductilidad para elementos de concreto armado resistentes a sismo en edificios con aislamiento sísmico
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene por finalidad evaluar la ductilidad a flexión con
determinados lineamientos de diseño para elementos de concreto armado (CA) de
edificaciones con aislamiento sísmico. Esto debido a que actualmente no existen
lineamientos para este tipo de estructuras, sino que se usan los mismos que para
estructuras de base fija. Ello a pesar de que el principio de diseño con aislamiento, así
como la evidencia de desempeño, muestran menor demanda de ductilidad e incursión
en el rango inelástico para elementos con responsabilidad sísmica de edificios aislados.
Se usó evidencia de experiencias sísmicas en estructuras con aislamiento y análisis de
desempeño desarrollados por otros investigadores. Entre la evidencia se puede
mencionar: curvas de capacidad, gráficas desplazamiento versus número de pisos,
fuerza cortante versus desplazamientos, aceleración de pisos, entre otros. Como
análisis se puede mencionar push over para diferentes tipos de estructuración y diseño,
formación de rótulas plásticas, etc. A partir de la información mencionada se proponen
lineamientos para diseño de elementos en CA que se acomodan mejor a estructuras
aisladas sin dejar de lado los márgenes de seguridad. Se evaluaron dos casos de
estudio, uno de ellos diseñado con la norma vigente y el otro diseñado con los
lineamientos propuestos. Ambos casos cuentan con la misma estructuración y
dimensiones de elementos, y sometidos a análisis tiempo historia no lineal mediante
integración directa. Se propone una herramienta práctica la cual identifica la
aplicabilidad de los lineamientos a partir de las cuantías y ratios de carga según se trate
de vigas o columnas. La evaluación de los casos de estudio concluye que la aplicación
de los lineamientos propuestos no implica desmejora en el desempeño de la estructura
y en cambio, su uso optimiza las cuantías de acero de refuerzo. Esto debido a que los
elementos estructurales se mantienen en el rango elástico, es decir, para los casos
analizados, no se hace uso de la ductilidad instalada.
The purpose of this research is to evaluate the flexural ductility with certain design guidelines for Reinforced Concrete (RC) elements of isolated buildings. This because, at the present time, it does not exist requirements for this type of structure, instead designers use the same requirements thought for fixed-base buildings. Even when the conception of seismic isolation and evidence of their behavior present less ductility demand and incursion in the inelastic range for elements with seismic responsibility, the current codes do not differentiate requirements. It was used seismic experience results of isolated structures and performance analysis developed by other investigators. Between the evidence, it could be mentioned capacity curves, displacement versus story diagrams, Base shear versus displacements, acceleration graphics, and others. There were also used analysis results like pushovers for different proposals and designs, amount and length in formation of plastic hinges, and so on. Based on the information mentioned above it is proposed a new guideline to design RC elements, that would adjust better for isolated structures without neglecting safety margins. Two study cases were evaluated, one of them designed according to the current Peruvian standard and the other designed according to the proposed guidelines. Both study cases have the same structuring and element size, and were subjected to time history nonlinear analysis by direct integration. The investigation comes up with a practice tool that identifies the applicability of the guideline depending on steel quantity and load ratio depending on whether it is beam or column. The evaluation of the cases concludes that the application of the proposed guidelines does not imply a deterioration in the performance of the structure and, on the other hand, its use optimizes the amount of reinforcing steel. This is because the structural elements remain in the elastic range. It means that, for the analyzed cases, the installed ductility is not used.
The purpose of this research is to evaluate the flexural ductility with certain design guidelines for Reinforced Concrete (RC) elements of isolated buildings. This because, at the present time, it does not exist requirements for this type of structure, instead designers use the same requirements thought for fixed-base buildings. Even when the conception of seismic isolation and evidence of their behavior present less ductility demand and incursion in the inelastic range for elements with seismic responsibility, the current codes do not differentiate requirements. It was used seismic experience results of isolated structures and performance analysis developed by other investigators. Between the evidence, it could be mentioned capacity curves, displacement versus story diagrams, Base shear versus displacements, acceleration graphics, and others. There were also used analysis results like pushovers for different proposals and designs, amount and length in formation of plastic hinges, and so on. Based on the information mentioned above it is proposed a new guideline to design RC elements, that would adjust better for isolated structures without neglecting safety margins. Two study cases were evaluated, one of them designed according to the current Peruvian standard and the other designed according to the proposed guidelines. Both study cases have the same structuring and element size, and were subjected to time history nonlinear analysis by direct integration. The investigation comes up with a practice tool that identifies the applicability of the guideline depending on steel quantity and load ratio depending on whether it is beam or column. The evaluation of the cases concludes that the application of the proposed guidelines does not imply a deterioration in the performance of the structure and, on the other hand, its use optimizes the amount of reinforcing steel. This is because the structural elements remain in the elastic range. It means that, for the analyzed cases, the installed ductility is not used.
Palabras clave
Muros--Ductilidad, Construcciones antisísmicas--Evaluación, Construcciones de concreto armado
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