Estudio de caso de un niño de 3 años 1 mes con retraso de lenguaje
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El lenguaje constituye un medio fundamental en el desarrollo del ser humano, puesto que le permite expresarse
con su entorno inmediato; sin embargo, en la actualidad es frecuente encontrar niños en edad pre escolar que
presenten dificultades en los diferentes componentes del lenguaje, lo que repercute en su interacción social. El
objetivo del presente estudio de caso es elaborar un plan de evaluación e intervención para un niño de 3 años
1 mes, con retraso de lenguaje en situación de alto riesgo. Esta dificultad afecta significativamente a los
componentes léxico semántico y morfosintáctico, sobre todo en la comprensión y expresión oral. Para el
proceso de intervención, se llevan a cabo actividades significativas y vivenciales, siguiendo una propuesta
lúdica con uso de material concreto y gráfico; las sesiones programadas se basan en estrategias centradas en
el modelo híbrido, donde el terapeuta mantiene un control para estimular en el niño el uso de sus recursos
lingüísticos de manera espontánea. Los resultados evidencian el avance en el manejo de vocabulario de las
categorías semánticas programadas, la comprensión de encabezadores ¿qué?, ¿quién? y ¿dónde?, la
ampliación de sus enunciados y la elaboración de oraciones simples, respetando la estructura sujeto - verbo -
objeto. Se concluye que el plan de intervención aplicado permitió al niño mostrar avances en los componentes
léxico semántico y morfosintáctico, favoreciendo la expresión de sus necesidades y mejorando la interacción
con su entorno familiar, escolar y social.
Language constitutes a fundamental means in the development of the human being, since it allows him to express himself with his immediate environment; However, at present it is common to find children of preschool age who present difficulties in the different components of language, which affects their social interaction. The objective of this case study is to develop an evaluation and intervention plan for a 3-year-old 1-month-old child with language delay at high risk. This difficulty significantly affects the lexical semantic and morphosyntactic components, especially in oral comprehension and expression. For the intervention process, meaningful and experiential activities are carried out, following a playful proposal with the use of concrete and graphic material; The programmed sessions are based on strategies centered on the hybrid model, where the therapist maintains control to stimulate the child to use her linguistic resources in a spontaneous way. The results show progress in the vocabulary management of the programmed semantic categories, the understanding of headers, what? who? and where ?, the extension of its sentences and the elaboration of simple sentences, respecting the subject - verb - object structure. It is concluded that the intervention plan applied allowed the child to show progress in the lexical semantic and morphosyntactic components, favoring the expression of their needs and improving the interaction with their family, school and social environment.
Language constitutes a fundamental means in the development of the human being, since it allows him to express himself with his immediate environment; However, at present it is common to find children of preschool age who present difficulties in the different components of language, which affects their social interaction. The objective of this case study is to develop an evaluation and intervention plan for a 3-year-old 1-month-old child with language delay at high risk. This difficulty significantly affects the lexical semantic and morphosyntactic components, especially in oral comprehension and expression. For the intervention process, meaningful and experiential activities are carried out, following a playful proposal with the use of concrete and graphic material; The programmed sessions are based on strategies centered on the hybrid model, where the therapist maintains control to stimulate the child to use her linguistic resources in a spontaneous way. The results show progress in the vocabulary management of the programmed semantic categories, the understanding of headers, what? who? and where ?, the extension of its sentences and the elaboration of simple sentences, respecting the subject - verb - object structure. It is concluded that the intervention plan applied allowed the child to show progress in the lexical semantic and morphosyntactic components, favoring the expression of their needs and improving the interaction with their family, school and social environment.
Palabras clave
Trastornos del habla en niños--Estudio de casos, Niños--Lenguaje--Estudio de casos