El principio de presunción de inocencia en el procedimiento administrativo disciplinario por infracción leve, en la Policía Nacional del Perú, 2020-2021
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presunción de inocencia es un derecho fundamental que le es inherente a toda persona
humana, y como tal corresponde ser ejercida en todo ámbito, así sea en un procedimiento
administrativo. Sin embargo, en la Policía Nacional del Perú, se estaría prescindiendo de la
aplicación de este derecho-principio en los procedimientos administrativos disciplinarios por
infracción leve. En la tramitación de estos procedimientos, luego de haber notificado la
Orden de Sanción al administrado, el superior que sanciona debe de remitirlo dentro del
plazo de 3 días hábiles a la Dirección de Recursos Humanos, para que sea codificada,
sistematizada, y archivada en el legajo del presunto infractor, puesto que, así lo prescribe la
Ley Nº 30714. Dentro de este mismo plazo podemos encontrar al presunto infractor
ejerciendo su derecho de contradicción, que después de haber presentado su recurso de
apelación tiene que estar a espera de lo resuelto por la Oficina de Disciplina, quien actúa en
segunda instancia resolviendo las apelaciones por infracción leve. Por lo tanto, el objetivo
general de este trabajo es demostrar la imprescindible aplicación del principio presunción de
inocencia en los procedimientos administrativos por infracción leve, en la Policía Nacional
del Perú, investigación que fue realizada durante el año 2020 y 2021, asimismo, se aplicó
como instrumento de recolección de datos, la entrevista, que fue aplicada a los suboficiales
de dicha institución. Por lo que, se ha concluido que con la publicación de manera inmediata
de la orden de sanción se viene conculcando el Principio de Presunción de inocencia, es por
ello, que en los procedimientos administrativos es necesaria su aplicación efectiva,
considerando que el proceder de todo administrado se ha efectuado en observancia del
cumplimiento de sus deberes y, por lo tanto, no tendría responsabilidad hasta que se
evidencie lo contrario y quede decidido mediante acto firme.
The presumption of innocence is a fundamental right that is inherent to every human person, and as such it must be exercised in all areas, even in an administrative procedure. However, in the National Police of Peru, the application of this right-principle is being dispensed with in disciplinary administrative procedures for minor offenses. In the processing of these procedures, after having notified the Sanction Order to the administrator, the superior who sanctions must send it within a period of 3 working days to the Human Resources Directorate, so that it is codified, systematized, and filed in the file of the alleged offender, since, as prescribed by Law No. 30714. Within this same period we can find the alleged offender exercising his right of contradiction, which after having submitted his appeal must be awaiting the resolution by the Discipline Office, which acts in the second instance resolving appeals for minor infractions. Therefore, the general objective of this work is to demonstrate the essential application of the principle of presumption of innocence in administrative procedures for minor offenses, in the National Police of Peru, an investigation that was carried out during 2020 and 2021, likewise, it was applied as a data collection instrument, the interview, which was applied to the NCOs of said institution. Therefore, it has been concluded that with the immediate publication of the sanction order, the Principle of Presumption of innocence has been violated, which is why, in administrative procedures, its effective application is necessary, considering that the proceeding of all administered has been carried out in observance of the fulfillment of its duties and, therefore, it would not have responsibility until the opposite is proven and it is decided by a firm act.
The presumption of innocence is a fundamental right that is inherent to every human person, and as such it must be exercised in all areas, even in an administrative procedure. However, in the National Police of Peru, the application of this right-principle is being dispensed with in disciplinary administrative procedures for minor offenses. In the processing of these procedures, after having notified the Sanction Order to the administrator, the superior who sanctions must send it within a period of 3 working days to the Human Resources Directorate, so that it is codified, systematized, and filed in the file of the alleged offender, since, as prescribed by Law No. 30714. Within this same period we can find the alleged offender exercising his right of contradiction, which after having submitted his appeal must be awaiting the resolution by the Discipline Office, which acts in the second instance resolving appeals for minor infractions. Therefore, the general objective of this work is to demonstrate the essential application of the principle of presumption of innocence in administrative procedures for minor offenses, in the National Police of Peru, an investigation that was carried out during 2020 and 2021, likewise, it was applied as a data collection instrument, the interview, which was applied to the NCOs of said institution. Therefore, it has been concluded that with the immediate publication of the sanction order, the Principle of Presumption of innocence has been violated, which is why, in administrative procedures, its effective application is necessary, considering that the proceeding of all administered has been carried out in observance of the fulfillment of its duties and, therefore, it would not have responsibility until the opposite is proven and it is decided by a firm act.
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