Informe sobre la Sentencia de la Sala de Juicio IX de la Corte Penal Internacional del caso N° ICC-02/04-01/15: Situación en Uganda: Procurador contra Dominic Ongwen del 6 de mayo del 2021
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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[Breve descripción del problema principal del caso, instrumentos normativos empleados
y principales conclusiones. Su extensión debe ser de 200 a 250 palabras]
Resumen del planteamiento de los problemas principal y secundarios
Los problemas jurídicos principales que examina esta sentencia son:
1. ¿Es conforme a los artículos 77 y 78 del Estatuto de Roma, eficaz, proporcional
y transparente el procedimiento usado por la Corte Penal Internacional para determinar
las sentencias individuales por las 61 infracciones por las que Dominic Ongwen había
sido encontrado culpable?
2. ¿Es conforme con los artículos 77 y 78 del Estatuto de Roma, es eficaz, es
proporcional y es transparente por un lado la decisión de la Corte sobre la eliminación
de la opción de cadena perpetua, y, otro lado, la decisión de la Corte de imponer 25
años de pena privativa de la libertad como pena total conjunta a Dominic Ongwen en
base a las numerosas sentencias individuales por las que fue condenado?
Principales instrumentos normativos empleado:
Sentencia del caso
Estatuto de Roma
Reglas de Procedimiento y Evidencia
Veredicto de la Corte sobre este mismo caso el del 4 de febrero del 2021
Veredicto y Sentencia de apelación sobre este caso del 15 de diciembre 2022.
Jurisprudencia de la Corte (Bemba et al., Ntaganda, Lubanga)
Decisiones dictadas por otros tribunales penales internacionales, como el Tribunal Penal
Internacional para Ruanda y la Ex-Yugoslavia.
Legislación de varios Estados.
Posición del candidato/a sobre dichos problemas
Varias decisiones anteriores de la Corte ya han comenzado a establecer los criterios
necesarios para la determinación de una pena. Sin embargo, es la primera vez que una
Corte pondera factores de atenuación tan fuertes como haber sido un niño soldado con
crímenes tan graves con factores de agravación tan fuertes como los indicados en los
cargos de acusación. La riqueza de esta decisión reside en ver cómo la Corte razona
ante estos problemas.
Summary of the main and secondary issues: The main legal issues are: 1. Does the mechanism used by the ICC to determine the appropriate penalty comply with articles 77 and 78 of the Rome Statute? Is this mechanism effective? Is it proportionate and transparent? 2. Does the decision to exclude the option of life imprisonment and to punish Dominic Ongwen with 25 years of imprisonment comply with articles 77 and 78 of the Rome Statute? Is this mechanism effective? Is it proportionate and transparent? Main normative instruments used: • Sentence ICC from 6 of May 2021 for this case • The Rome Statute • The Rules of Procedure and Evidence of the International Criminal Court. • Verdict ICC from 4 of February 2021 for this case • Appeal Verdict & Sentence from 15 of December 2022 • Jurisprudence of the Court (Bemba et al., Ntaganda, Lubanga). • Decisions rendered by other international criminal tribunals, such as the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the one for the Former Yugoslavia. • National Legislation of various States. Candidate's position on these issues Several previous decisions of the Court have already begun to establish the criteria, which are required for choosing the right sentence. However, this is the first time that a Court has weighed such strong mitigating factors as having been a child soldier with such serious crimes against such strong aggravating factors as those indicated in the indictment. This case calls our attention because it will allow us to see the Court’s reasoning to find out a solution to these issues.
Summary of the main and secondary issues: The main legal issues are: 1. Does the mechanism used by the ICC to determine the appropriate penalty comply with articles 77 and 78 of the Rome Statute? Is this mechanism effective? Is it proportionate and transparent? 2. Does the decision to exclude the option of life imprisonment and to punish Dominic Ongwen with 25 years of imprisonment comply with articles 77 and 78 of the Rome Statute? Is this mechanism effective? Is it proportionate and transparent? Main normative instruments used: • Sentence ICC from 6 of May 2021 for this case • The Rome Statute • The Rules of Procedure and Evidence of the International Criminal Court. • Verdict ICC from 4 of February 2021 for this case • Appeal Verdict & Sentence from 15 of December 2022 • Jurisprudence of the Court (Bemba et al., Ntaganda, Lubanga). • Decisions rendered by other international criminal tribunals, such as the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the one for the Former Yugoslavia. • National Legislation of various States. Candidate's position on these issues Several previous decisions of the Court have already begun to establish the criteria, which are required for choosing the right sentence. However, this is the first time that a Court has weighed such strong mitigating factors as having been a child soldier with such serious crimes against such strong aggravating factors as those indicated in the indictment. This case calls our attention because it will allow us to see the Court’s reasoning to find out a solution to these issues.
Palabras clave
Derecho penal internacional--Jurisprudencia, Circunstancias atenuantes, Penas