Una mirada integral a la calidad de la educación superior : propuesta para tener una facultad socialmente responsable
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El propósito de la presente investigación es analizar la situación actual de la Responsabilidad
Social Universitaria en la facultad de Ingeniería Agrícola de la Universidad Nacional Agraria
La Molina, desde la perspectiva de sus estudiantes, docentes y administrativos, con el
propósito de proponer alternativas de acción viables para su fortalecimiento. El abordaje teórico
utilizado fue el planteado por Vallaeys (2007) considerando los cuatro ejes que soportan el
concepto de RSU: Campus Responsable, Formación Profesional Ciudadana, Gestión Social del
Conocimiento y Participación Social. A nivel metodológico se aplicaron 56 encuestas, se realizaron
4 entrevistas semiestructuradas y se desarrollaron 6 grupos focales. Los resultados de este estudio
permiten concluir que existe una necesidad de organización de las actividades de la facultad para
la implementación de la RSU, para ello se tiene como potencialidad el compromiso de las
autoridades y el interés activo de los estudiantes, es necesario el fortalecimiento de capacidades
de los docentes sobre el concepto de RSU para una adecuada implementación.
The purpose of this research is to analyze the current situation of University Social Responsibility in the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering of the National Agrarian University La Molina, from the perspective of its students, teachers and administrative, with the purpose of proposing viable action alternatives for its strengthening. The social action plan, social responsibility, social knowledge management and social participation. At the methodological level, 56 surveys were applied, 4 semi-structured interviews were conducted and 6 focus groups were developed. The results of this study allow to establish that there is an organization of the activities of the faculty for the implementation of the RSU, for this it has as potential the commitment of the authorities and the active interest of the students, it is necessary to strengthen The capabilities of the documents on the concept of RSU for an adequate implementation.
The purpose of this research is to analyze the current situation of University Social Responsibility in the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering of the National Agrarian University La Molina, from the perspective of its students, teachers and administrative, with the purpose of proposing viable action alternatives for its strengthening. The social action plan, social responsibility, social knowledge management and social participation. At the methodological level, 56 surveys were applied, 4 semi-structured interviews were conducted and 6 focus groups were developed. The results of this study allow to establish that there is an organization of the activities of the faculty for the implementation of the RSU, for this it has as potential the commitment of the authorities and the active interest of the students, it is necessary to strengthen The capabilities of the documents on the concept of RSU for an adequate implementation.
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