Creencias docentes sobre disciplinas en una escuela ayacuchana de gestión mixta : subjetividades de función pública
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Utilizando técnicas metodológicas y supuestos epistemológicos cualitativos, se
proponen interpretaciones para comprender contextualizadamente las creencias sobre
disciplina de 15 docentes de una escuela mixta (gestión privada de fondos públicos) de la
zona periurbana de la ciudad de Ayacucho en la provincia de Huamanga.
A partir de entrevistas semiestructuradas, se ordenan las categorías emergentes en cuatro
áreas para presentar las asociaciones a la disciplina: qué es, para qué sirve, cómo se origina,
y qué factores influyen en su desarrollo.
Se concluye que un mismo participante puede sostener varias y hasta diferentes creencias
sobre el fenómeno. Una principal tendencia sobre la concepción de disciplina es la
tradicionalista, que supone obediencia de órdenes y autoridades externas, que favorece un
control unilateral de respeto basado en el miedo —y que supone a un sujeto (epistemológico
y social) más pasivo; asimismo, el grupo de docentes tiende a relativizar y desvincularse de
su propio rol en una formación disciplinar autónoma. La gran minoría de docentes plantea
un rol activo y reflexivo de los y las estudiantes en el desarrollo de su autonomía moral.
Se propone un momento transicional de los discursos docentes ambivalentes a nivel grupal
e individual, que daría cuenta del conflicto entre visiones tradicionales verticalistas, y las
propuestas institucionales progresistas sobre la disciplina más orientadas a la construcción
de la autonomía moral.
Tal momento se encuentra reflejado en y es característico de la oficialidad Estatal. Siendo
funcionario público, el docente encarna y manifiesta las propuestas institucionales sobre la
formación de ciudadanía.
Interpretations on the beliefs about discipline of 15 teachers of a mixed school (public funds, private administration) at peri-urban zone of Ayacucho city in the province of Huamanga, are constructed based on qualitative technique and epistemology. Using semi-structured interviews, analytic categories for teacher’s beliefs are presented in four extents: what is it, which is the objective, how is it formed, and which are the factors that influence the development of discipline. It’s concluded that many and contradicting beliefs may be articulated by the same participant. Also, are noted traditional conceptions about discipline that implies obedience to external authorities that enforces unilateral control of fear-based ‘respect’, that implies subordinate and passive (social, epistemic) subjects. It is noted that tend to disengage from them responsibility on the development of an autonomous discipline formation. Great minority of participants sets an active and reflexive role of students within the development of their moral autonomy. It is proposed a transitional momentum of teacher’s ambivalent discourses, both collective and individually that may suggest conflict between vertical and traditional moral views, and institutional and progressist proposals about discipline, more oriented to a process of constructive development of moral autonomy. Such momentum is reflected upon —and is characteristic— of the State officiality. As civil servants, teachers they embody and manifest institutional proposals about the project of citizenship formations.
Interpretations on the beliefs about discipline of 15 teachers of a mixed school (public funds, private administration) at peri-urban zone of Ayacucho city in the province of Huamanga, are constructed based on qualitative technique and epistemology. Using semi-structured interviews, analytic categories for teacher’s beliefs are presented in four extents: what is it, which is the objective, how is it formed, and which are the factors that influence the development of discipline. It’s concluded that many and contradicting beliefs may be articulated by the same participant. Also, are noted traditional conceptions about discipline that implies obedience to external authorities that enforces unilateral control of fear-based ‘respect’, that implies subordinate and passive (social, epistemic) subjects. It is noted that tend to disengage from them responsibility on the development of an autonomous discipline formation. Great minority of participants sets an active and reflexive role of students within the development of their moral autonomy. It is proposed a transitional momentum of teacher’s ambivalent discourses, both collective and individually that may suggest conflict between vertical and traditional moral views, and institutional and progressist proposals about discipline, more oriented to a process of constructive development of moral autonomy. Such momentum is reflected upon —and is characteristic— of the State officiality. As civil servants, teachers they embody and manifest institutional proposals about the project of citizenship formations.
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