Coincidencias y diferencias en las percepciones de docentes y estudiantes sobre las acciones del buen retorno escolar en el área de Inglés 2022, en el contexto de la COVID-19
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue analizar las coincidencias y
diferencias en las percepciones de docentes y estudiantes de 5to de secundaria
sobre las acciones del buen retorno escolar en el área de Inglés, en dos
instituciones educativas públicas de Chiclayo 2022, en el contexto de la COVID-19.
Se indagó sobre la acción de recuperación del aprendizaje y su efectividad teniendo
en cuenta los materiales que brindaron los docentes mediante la carpeta de
recuperación y el tiempo utilizado por los estudiantes durante el proceso de
recuperación. También se exploró la acción de consolidación de aprendizajes y su
efectividad mediante la evaluación diagnóstica y las actividades que realizaron los
estudiantes para asegurar lo aprendido. Asimismo, nos aproximamos a investigar
las acciones de continuidad de los aprendizajes y su efectividad y la situación de
los aprendizajes de los escolares. La investigación se realizó con enfoque
cualitativo; el método utilizado fue el estudio de casos de tipo evaluativo, debido a
que se contrastaron las coincidencias y diferencias de las percepciones de cuatro
profesores y seis escolares de secundaria sobre las acciones del buen retorno
escolar y su efectividad debido al cierre de escuelas en el contexto de la pandemia
causada por la COVID-19. Además, se elaboraron dos instrumentos para recoger
la información: un guion de entrevista semiestructurada y un guion de grupo focal.
Luego, se procedió a organizar la información recopilada en matrices para
identificar los hallazgos más relevantes. Finalmente, se concluye que docentes y
estudiantes coinciden en que el tiempo brindado en la recuperación de los
aprendizajes ha sido insuficiente. Las narraciones presentan diferencias con
respecto a la efectividad de la evaluación diagnóstica; para los docentes fue un
insumo para la consolidación de los aprendizajes, y para la mayoría de los
escolares ello no ocurrió porque ni siquiera recibieron los resultados de dicha
The main objective of this research was to analyze the similarities and differences in the perceptions of teachers and 5th-grade students regarding the actions for a successful return to school in the English subject, in two public schools in Chiclayo in 2022, in the context of COVID-19. The study investigated the effectiveness of learning recovery actions, taking into account the materials provided by teachers through the recovery folder and the time utilized by students during the recovery process. Furthermore, the effectiveness of learning consolidation actions was explored through diagnostic evaluation and the activities carried out by students to ensure their acquired knowledge. Additionally, the study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of continuity actions in learning and the learning situation of the students. The research was conducted using a qualitative approach, employing an evaluative case study method to compare the similarities and differences in perceptions among four secondary school teachers and six students regarding the actions for a successful return to school and their effectiveness in the context of school closures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Two instruments were developed to collect the information: a semi-structured interview script and a focus group script. Subsequently, the collected information was organized in matrices to identify the most relevant findings. Finally, it is concluded that teachers and students agree that the time allocated for learning recovery has been insufficient. The narratives present differences regarding the effectiveness of diagnostic evaluation; for the teachers, it was an input for the consolidating learning, and for the majority of students this did not happen because they did not even receive the results of that evaluation.
The main objective of this research was to analyze the similarities and differences in the perceptions of teachers and 5th-grade students regarding the actions for a successful return to school in the English subject, in two public schools in Chiclayo in 2022, in the context of COVID-19. The study investigated the effectiveness of learning recovery actions, taking into account the materials provided by teachers through the recovery folder and the time utilized by students during the recovery process. Furthermore, the effectiveness of learning consolidation actions was explored through diagnostic evaluation and the activities carried out by students to ensure their acquired knowledge. Additionally, the study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of continuity actions in learning and the learning situation of the students. The research was conducted using a qualitative approach, employing an evaluative case study method to compare the similarities and differences in perceptions among four secondary school teachers and six students regarding the actions for a successful return to school and their effectiveness in the context of school closures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Two instruments were developed to collect the information: a semi-structured interview script and a focus group script. Subsequently, the collected information was organized in matrices to identify the most relevant findings. Finally, it is concluded that teachers and students agree that the time allocated for learning recovery has been insufficient. The narratives present differences regarding the effectiveness of diagnostic evaluation; for the teachers, it was an input for the consolidating learning, and for the majority of students this did not happen because they did not even receive the results of that evaluation.
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