Schwingunesverhalten von Spinnennetzen
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten zeigen einen Zusammenhang zwischen der Eigenfrequenz des
Spinnennetzes, dessen Geometrie, dem Eigengewicht der Netzspinne und der äquivalenten
Vorspannung. Hypothese dieser Masterarbeit ist, dass die Eigenfrequenz von Spinnennetzen
konstant ist. Die vorliegende Masterarbeit zeigt jedoch, dass dies nur bedingt
richtig ist. Wir belegen dies mit unseren Experimenten mit verschiedenen Individuen der
Spinnenart Argiope Argentata durch Ermittlung derer Eigengewichte und der Eigenfrequenzen
der erbauten Spinnennetze. Unsere Daten zeigen, dass die Webnetzspinne die
Netzvorspannung nicht proportional zu ihrem Eigengewicht erhöht, so dass die Eigenfrequenz
für verschiedene Netze nicht konstant bleibt. Es wird das Vorhandensein eines
Eigenfrequenzbereichs vermutet, da ihr Gewicht und ihre Möglichkeiten zur Vorspannung
in einem bestimmten Bereich liegen. Eigenfrequenzen von Spinnennetzen werden
mit dem in dieser Arbeit erweiterten Schwingungsmodell und auf Basis verö entlichter
Arbeiten berechnet.
Previous theoretical work links the natural frequency of a spiderweb to its geometry, the spider's weight, and the equivalent preloaded tension. A common assumption is that the natural frequency of spiderwebs created by a spider species is constant. However, our study proves that this is not necessarily true. More speci cally, there exists a range of natural frequency for spiderwebs from the same species, as the spider's weight, the geometry and the preloaded tension of a spider's type have a range. We conduct our experiments with di erent ArgiopeArgentata spiders by collecting the spiders' weight and the natural frequency of the webs. Our empirical data show that as the web spider weight increases, the preloaded tension does not increase proportionally and thus, the natural frequency does not remain constant for di erent webs. Natural frequencies are calculated with our adjusted model and published theoretical work.
Previous theoretical work links the natural frequency of a spiderweb to its geometry, the spider's weight, and the equivalent preloaded tension. A common assumption is that the natural frequency of spiderwebs created by a spider species is constant. However, our study proves that this is not necessarily true. More speci cally, there exists a range of natural frequency for spiderwebs from the same species, as the spider's weight, the geometry and the preloaded tension of a spider's type have a range. We conduct our experiments with di erent ArgiopeArgentata spiders by collecting the spiders' weight and the natural frequency of the webs. Our empirical data show that as the web spider weight increases, the preloaded tension does not increase proportionally and thus, the natural frequency does not remain constant for di erent webs. Natural frequencies are calculated with our adjusted model and published theoretical work.
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