Construcción de significados por parte de mujeres creadoras de contenido sexual en Onlyfans en torno a su actividad
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La masificación del uso de las TIC en medio del capitalismo
contemporáneo ha dado origen a una serie de cambios en la vivencia de la
sexualidad de los individuos, por lo que los márgenes de comprensión en torno
a nuevas prácticas y formas de consumo se han visto transformados al interior
de un contexto cada vez más dinámico. El presente estudio se cuestiona acerca
de los significados y dinámicas que las mujeres insertas en el mercado sexual
de Onlyfans construyen alrededor de su actividad dentro de esta plataforma. Se
plantea que estas conciben su actividad desde la agencia y emprendedurismo,
nociones contrarias a las aproximaciones clásicas alrededor de la industria
sexual. A la par, se propone que ellas generan dinámicas de intimidad con los
usuarios por medio de la exposición de su vida privada y la gestión emocional
empleada durante la interacción online. Dicha hipótesis se fundamenta a nivel
teórico en el enfoque de género, la teoría de la sociedad red y la sociología de
las emociones. Se empleará una metodología de corte cualitativo en que se
realizarán entrevistas a profundidad a mujeres creadoras de contenido sexual en
Onlyfans, asimismo, se complementará la información recabada con una
etnografía virtual de los perfiles de cada una de las entrevistadas.
The massification of the use of ICTs within contemporary capitalism has given rise to multiple changes in the experience of sexuality of individuals, so that the understanding of new practices and forms of consumption have been transformed. This study deals with the meanings and dynamics that women inserted in the Onlyfans sex market construct around their activity within this platform. It is proposed that they conceive their activity from a notion of entrepreneurship and agency, as well as generate dynamics of intimacy with users through the exposure of their private life and the emotional management used during online interaction. This hypothesis is theoretically based on the gender approach, the network society theory and the sociology of emotions. A qualitative methodology will be used in which in-depth interviews will be conducted with women creators of sexual content in Onlyfans, and the information collected will be complemented with a virtual ethnography of the profiles of each of the interviewees.
The massification of the use of ICTs within contemporary capitalism has given rise to multiple changes in the experience of sexuality of individuals, so that the understanding of new practices and forms of consumption have been transformed. This study deals with the meanings and dynamics that women inserted in the Onlyfans sex market construct around their activity within this platform. It is proposed that they conceive their activity from a notion of entrepreneurship and agency, as well as generate dynamics of intimacy with users through the exposure of their private life and the emotional management used during online interaction. This hypothesis is theoretically based on the gender approach, the network society theory and the sociology of emotions. A qualitative methodology will be used in which in-depth interviews will be conducted with women creators of sexual content in Onlyfans, and the information collected will be complemented with a virtual ethnography of the profiles of each of the interviewees.
Palabras clave
Redes sociales, Pornografía, Identidad de género, Sexualidad, Aplicaciones móviles, Aplicaciones web, Páginas Web