Informe jurídico sobre la Resolución N° 3827-2022- SUNARP-TR
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe centra su análisis en los argumentos jurídicos que adoptó el Tribunal
Registral en la Resolución N° 3827-2022-SUNARP-TR a efectos de admitir la procedencia de
una prescripción adquisitiva de dominio tramitada en sede notarial respecto de un bien de
dominio público hidráulico, específicamente, respecto de una faja marginal colindante con una
torrentera ubicada en la provincia de Arequipa.
El Tribunal Registral resolvió revocar la observación formulada en primera instancia registral,
argumentando que, sin perjuicio de que la faja marginal constituye un bien de dominio público
hidráulico, mediante el plano del inmueble objeto de prescripción –visado por la Municipalidad
Provincial de Arequipa– se ha acreditado la inexistencia de afectación al recurso hídrico.
En ese sentido, en el presente informe se realiza un análisis de los fundamentos adoptados por
el Tribunal Registral en la Resolución N° 3827-2022-SUNARP-TR con relación a la acreditación
de la inexistencia de afectación a los recursos hídricos en virtud de planos visados por los
gobiernos locales. De igual modo, se realiza un análisis de la condición del bien objeto de
prescripción, a efectos de determinar si el Tribunal Registral tenía la obligación de formular una
nueva observación al título.
The present report focuses its analysis on the legal arguments adopted by the Registry Court in Resolution No. 3827-2022-SUNARP-TR for the admission of an acquisitive prescription of ownership executed before a notary regarding a public water property, specifically, regarding a marginal strip adjoining a torrent located in the province of Arequipa. The Registry Court decided to revoke the observation formulated in the first registry instance, alleging that, notwithstanding the fact that the marginal strip constitutes a public water property, through the plan of the property subject to prescription -signed and sealed by the Provincial Municipality of Arequipa- the non-existence of affectation of the water resource has been accredited. Consequently, the present report performs an analysis of the arguments issued by the Registry Court in Resolution No. 3827-2022-SUNARP-TR regarding the accreditation of the non-existence of affectation to water resources by virtue of plans signed by the local governments. In addition, it is analyzed the condition of the property subject to prescription, in order to determine whether the Registry Court had the obligation to formulate a new observation to the title.
The present report focuses its analysis on the legal arguments adopted by the Registry Court in Resolution No. 3827-2022-SUNARP-TR for the admission of an acquisitive prescription of ownership executed before a notary regarding a public water property, specifically, regarding a marginal strip adjoining a torrent located in the province of Arequipa. The Registry Court decided to revoke the observation formulated in the first registry instance, alleging that, notwithstanding the fact that the marginal strip constitutes a public water property, through the plan of the property subject to prescription -signed and sealed by the Provincial Municipality of Arequipa- the non-existence of affectation of the water resource has been accredited. Consequently, the present report performs an analysis of the arguments issued by the Registry Court in Resolution No. 3827-2022-SUNARP-TR regarding the accreditation of the non-existence of affectation to water resources by virtue of plans signed by the local governments. In addition, it is analyzed the condition of the property subject to prescription, in order to determine whether the Registry Court had the obligation to formulate a new observation to the title.
Palabras clave
Derecho registral--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Prescripción adquisitiva--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Registro de la propiedad--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Bienes públicos--Perú