Programa integral de apoyo económico para estudiantes de pregrado en la PUCP: análisis y propuesta de mejora
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) pone a disposición de sus
jóvenes admitidos, diferentes tipos de apoyo económico que les permita iniciar su formación
en alguna de las especialidades de Pregrado que ofrece hasta lograr su culminación
satisfactoria; sin embargo, no todos los estudiantes que lo requieren llegan a solicitar estas
ayudas. Con base en los fundamentos de los principales modelos de financiación de la
educación, en reportes de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos
(OCDE), en la revisión de los costos que debe afrontar un estudiante universitario en las
principales universidades privadas del Perú, y en la disposición de los alumnos con alguna
necesidad económica para recurrir a un financiamiento que facilite la continuación de sus
estudios; el presente trabajo de investigación expone cómo los diferentes tipos de apoyo
económico pueden ser integrados en un programa institucional que facilite la evaluación de
solicitudes para la asignación conjunta estas ayudas, de manera que se optimice el uso de
recursos. Así, a partir del análisis de los procesos de asignación de los grados de la Escala
de Pensiones, crédito educativo y becas, resaltando sus fortalezas e identificando
oportunidades de mejora, se plantea un nuevo programa que facilite el uso eficaz de la
información, la trazabilidad de las actividades asociadas, mitigue el riesgo financiero y
prevenga el retraso, la suspensión o abandono de los estudios de Pregrado por motivos
económicos, mejorando de esta forma los indicadores académicos de la institución.
The Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) makes available to its admitted young people, different types of economic support that allows them to begin their education in some of the undergraduate careers that it offers until its satisfactory completion; however, not all the students that require it come to request these aids. Based on the fundamentals of the main financing models of education, in reports from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), in the review of the costs that a university student must face in the main private universities of Peru, and in the willingness of the students with some economic need to resort to a financing that facilitates the continuation of their studies; the present research work exposes how the different types of economic support can be integrated into an institutional program that facilitates the evaluation of request these aids, in order to optimize the use of resources. Thereby, from the analysis of the allocation processes of the degrees of the Pension Scale, educational credit and scholarships, highlighting their strengths and identifying opportunities for improvement, a new program is proposed that facilitates the effective use of information, traceability of associated activities, mitigate financial risk and prevent the delay, suspension or desertion of undergraduate studies for economic reasons, thus improving the academic indicators of the institution.
The Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) makes available to its admitted young people, different types of economic support that allows them to begin their education in some of the undergraduate careers that it offers until its satisfactory completion; however, not all the students that require it come to request these aids. Based on the fundamentals of the main financing models of education, in reports from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), in the review of the costs that a university student must face in the main private universities of Peru, and in the willingness of the students with some economic need to resort to a financing that facilitates the continuation of their studies; the present research work exposes how the different types of economic support can be integrated into an institutional program that facilitates the evaluation of request these aids, in order to optimize the use of resources. Thereby, from the analysis of the allocation processes of the degrees of the Pension Scale, educational credit and scholarships, highlighting their strengths and identifying opportunities for improvement, a new program is proposed that facilitates the effective use of information, traceability of associated activities, mitigate financial risk and prevent the delay, suspension or desertion of undergraduate studies for economic reasons, thus improving the academic indicators of the institution.