Cambios generados en el desempeño académico después de aplicar estrategias metacognitivas al inicio, durante y final de una sesión de aprendizaje
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente estudio tiene como objetivo determinar los cambios generados en el desempeño
académico del área de comunicación, de las estudiantes de primer año de secundaria del tercio
inferior de la I.E.E Juana Alarco de Dammert, luego de aplicar estrategias metacognitivas antes,
durante y después de una sesión de aprendizaje. Los procedimientos e instrumentos se
desarrollaron bajo el enfoque cualitativo y el método de casos. Los resultados obtenidos
cumplieron con los objetivos propuestos y la corroboración de la hipótesis. El uso de estrategias
metacognitivas, como herramienta importante para lograr aprendizajes, deben ser consideradas
por los docentes, a la hora de planificar y desarrollar las sesiones de aprendizaje, especialmente
en las instituciones públicas, donde por lo general carece de servicios psicopedagógicos, y las
familias no pueden proveer una atención a estudiantes con problemas de aprendizaje. La
formulación de preguntas, considerando los componentes de la metacognición como la
metamemoria, metaatención, además, la actitud de la estudiante en su adaptación a la nueva
dinámica de la clase, el rol del docente que propicia la reflexión con un trato cálido, las
características de la etapa de desarrollo de la muestra, son algunos de los resultados que influyeron
directamente en el desempeño académico de las estudiantes.
The objective of the following study is to determine the changes generated in the academic performance in the area of communication of first year, female, high school students academically ranked in the lower third section of the I.E.E. Juana Alarco de Dammert, while applying metacognitive strategies before, during and after a learning session. The procedures and after a learning session. The procedures and materials were developed under the qualitative approach and the case method. The result obtained fulfilled the proposed objectives and the corroboration of the hypothesis The use of metacognitive strategies, as an important tool to achieve learning, should be considered by teachers when planning and developing learning sessions. Metacognitive strategies should definitely be practiced in public institutions where there is a general lack of phyco-pedagogical services and families cannot provide attention to students with learning disabilities. The formulation of questions, consider the components of metacognition such as metamemory, metaattention. Additionally, the attitude of each female student in her adaptation to the new dynamics of the class, the role of the teacher who offers a warm treatment, and the characteristics of the stage of development of the sample are some of the results that directly influence the academic performance of students.
The objective of the following study is to determine the changes generated in the academic performance in the area of communication of first year, female, high school students academically ranked in the lower third section of the I.E.E. Juana Alarco de Dammert, while applying metacognitive strategies before, during and after a learning session. The procedures and after a learning session. The procedures and materials were developed under the qualitative approach and the case method. The result obtained fulfilled the proposed objectives and the corroboration of the hypothesis The use of metacognitive strategies, as an important tool to achieve learning, should be considered by teachers when planning and developing learning sessions. Metacognitive strategies should definitely be practiced in public institutions where there is a general lack of phyco-pedagogical services and families cannot provide attention to students with learning disabilities. The formulation of questions, consider the components of metacognition such as metamemory, metaattention. Additionally, the attitude of each female student in her adaptation to the new dynamics of the class, the role of the teacher who offers a warm treatment, and the characteristics of the stage of development of the sample are some of the results that directly influence the academic performance of students.
Palabras clave
Aprendizaje (Educación), Rendimiento académico, Educación secundaria--Investigaciones
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