Los adicionales y reducciones de obra como potestades exorbitantes de la Administración Pública y sus efectos sobre el principio de equilibrio-económico-financiero
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente trabajo se analizará una figura bastante frecuente en las contrataciones
públicas como son los adicionales y las reducciones de las prestaciones. Estas figuras reflejan
las potestades exorbitantes de las administraciones públicas que, por un lado, asegura que se
cumpla con la satisfacción del interés público, pero que, por otro lado, en muchos casos
puede atentar contra el principio de equilibrio económico financiero de los contratos. En ese
caso, estamos ante dos frentes, en el cual no solo se debe preservar el interés general, sino
también la satisfacción de los contratistas en los contratos públicos. Por lo tanto, en este
trabajo se buscará resolver el principal problema de estas modificaciones unilaterales.
El objetivo de este trabajo no solo buscará analizar la importancia de estas figuras legales
permitidas, sino se buscará dotar de protección a los contratistas en base a las metodologías
establecidas en la LCE y en su reglamento. En el presente trabajo nos referiremos
principalmente a las adicionales y reducciones en las obras, vinculando diversa casuística
como algunas resoluciones judiciales y laudos arbitrales. Ello con el fin de resaltar la
importancia de sus figuras y los problemas que generalmente surgen en contra de los
In the present work, a quite frequent figure in public contracting such as additional benefits and reductions will be analyzed. These figures reflect the exorbitant powers of public 1 administrations which, on the one hand, ensure that the satisfaction of the public interest is met, but which, on the other hand, in many cases may violate the principle of financial economic balance of contracts. In this case, we are facing two fronts, in which not only the general interest must be preserved, but also the satisfaction of contractors in public contracts. Therefore, this paper will seek to solve the main problem of these unilateral modifications. The objective of this work will not only seek to analyze the importance of these permitted legal figures, but will seek to provide protection to contractors based on the methodologies established in the LCE and its regulations. In the present work we will refer mainly to the additions and reductions in the works, linking diverse casuistry such as some judicial resolutions and arbitration awards. This in order to highlight the importance of their figures and the problems that generally arise against contractors.
In the present work, a quite frequent figure in public contracting such as additional benefits and reductions will be analyzed. These figures reflect the exorbitant powers of public 1 administrations which, on the one hand, ensure that the satisfaction of the public interest is met, but which, on the other hand, in many cases may violate the principle of financial economic balance of contracts. In this case, we are facing two fronts, in which not only the general interest must be preserved, but also the satisfaction of contractors in public contracts. Therefore, this paper will seek to solve the main problem of these unilateral modifications. The objective of this work will not only seek to analyze the importance of these permitted legal figures, but will seek to provide protection to contractors based on the methodologies established in the LCE and its regulations. In the present work we will refer mainly to the additions and reductions in the works, linking diverse casuistry such as some judicial resolutions and arbitration awards. This in order to highlight the importance of their figures and the problems that generally arise against contractors.
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