Informe sobre expediente de relevancia jurídica solicitud de ampliación de plazo
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La incorporación del arbitraje como mecanismo de solución de controversias obligatorio para
los contratos de servicios, bienes y obras donde participe el Estado Peruano ha supuesto que
la gran parte de procesos arbitrales se desarrollen bajo la normativa de contrataciones, donde
las materias controvertidas son diversas. Dentro de este grupo, adquieren especial relevancia
las relacionadas a las solicitudes de ampliaciones de plazo, pues, en la gran mayoría de
contratos, por diferentes motivos, los contratistas consideran que existen razones para que el
plazo inicial de ejecución del contrato se vea prorrogado.
Asimismo, se debe tener presente que el sector de la construcción, en el cual se encuentran
los contratos de obra del Estado, es especialmente conflictivo, por la alta especialización que
se requiere. Ante ello, existe un porcentaje más que considerable de contratos de obra con el
Estado, en los cuales se van a presentar controversias sobre ampliaciones de plazo
En ese sentido, en el presente caso se analizará lo dispuesto en la Ley de Contrataciones del
Estado y su Reglamento sobre los requisitos que se deben cumplir para el otorgamiento de
una ampliación de plazo, así como, realizar un análisis, y sentar una posición jurídica, sobre
los efectos jurídicos que genera la aprobación de una ampliación de plazo, todo ello, teniendo
como base lo resuelto en un caso en concreto bajo la aplicación de la normativa y el Contrato.
The incorporation of arbitration as a mandatory dispute resolution mechanism for service, goods and works contracts involving the Peruvian State has meant that most of the arbitration proceedings are carried out under the contracting regulations, where the matters in dispute are diverse. Within this group, those related to requests for term extensions are particularly relevant, since in the vast majority of contracts, for different reasons, the contractors consider that there are reasons for the initial term of the contract to be extended. It should also be borne in mind that the construction sector, in which State construction contracts are found, is particularly conflictive, due to the high level of specialization required. In view of this, there is a more than considerable percentage of construction contracts with the State, in which controversies will arise regarding term extensions. In this context, the analysis of the present case analyzes the provisions of the State Contracting Law and its Regulations on the requirements that must be met for the granting of a term extension, as well as to analyze and establish a legal position on the legal effects generated by the approval of a term extension, all based on what has been resolved in a specific case under the application of the regulations and the Contract.
The incorporation of arbitration as a mandatory dispute resolution mechanism for service, goods and works contracts involving the Peruvian State has meant that most of the arbitration proceedings are carried out under the contracting regulations, where the matters in dispute are diverse. Within this group, those related to requests for term extensions are particularly relevant, since in the vast majority of contracts, for different reasons, the contractors consider that there are reasons for the initial term of the contract to be extended. It should also be borne in mind that the construction sector, in which State construction contracts are found, is particularly conflictive, due to the high level of specialization required. In view of this, there is a more than considerable percentage of construction contracts with the State, in which controversies will arise regarding term extensions. In this context, the analysis of the present case analyzes the provisions of the State Contracting Law and its Regulations on the requirements that must be met for the granting of a term extension, as well as to analyze and establish a legal position on the legal effects generated by the approval of a term extension, all based on what has been resolved in a specific case under the application of the regulations and the Contract.
Palabras clave
Contratos públicos--Perú, Contratos administrativos--Legislación--Perú, Arbitraje y laudo, Licitaciones y contratos--Perú