Dificultades en los procesos léxicos, sintácticos y semánticos de la lectura. Estudio de caso de un niño de tercer grado de primaria
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La lectura es una habilidad primordial para todo proceso de aprendizaje, ya que contribuye
a la adquisición de nuevos conocimientos; además, es necesaria para un adecuado
desenvolvimiento en sociedad. Por ello, es importante que los niños logren dominar las
habilidades de lectura a fin de garantizar el propósito principal de esta actividad: la
comprensión lectora. El objetivo del presente trabajo es identificar las dificultades en los
procesos de la lectura de un niño de 8 años, quien cursa el tercer grado de primaria, y
realizar un programa de intervención correctivo acorde a las necesidades presentadas. Las
dificultades que presenta residen en los procesos de bajo y alto nivel de la lectura, así como
también en los factores pre-instrumental de conciencia fonológica y complementario de
atención; dificultades no esperadas para su edad y grado escolar. Para ello, se realiza un
plan de intervención enfocado en el fortalecimiento de habilidades fonológicas, capacidad
atencional, fluidez y comprensión lectora. Los resultados evidencian logros en las tareas
analíticas de conciencia fonológica; procesos léxicos - fonológico de lectura y escritura, en
la adquisición del mecanismo de correspondencia grafema-fonema y fonema-grafema;
precisión en el reconocimiento de los signos de puntuación; así también, se observan
mejoras en la fluidez y comprensión lectora. Se concluye que la aplicación del plan de
intervención muestra impacto en la comprensión lectora.
Reading is a primary skill for any learning process, as it contributes to the acquisition of new knowledge; in addition, it is necessary for an adequate development in society. Therefore, it is important for children to master reading skills in order to ensure the main purpose of this activity: reading comprehension. The objective of this work is to identify the difficulties in the reading processes of an 8-year-old child, who is in the third grade of primary school, and carry out a corrective intervention program according to the needs presented. The difficulties he presents reside in the processes of low and high level of reading, as well as in the pre-instrumental factor of phonological awareness and complementary factor of attention; unexpected difficulties for their age and grade level. To this end, an intervention plan is carried out focused on strengthening phonological skills, attentional capacity, fluency and reading comprehension. The results show achievements in the analytical tasks of phonological awareness; lexical - phonological processes of reading and writing, in the acquisition of the grapheme-phoneme and phoneme-grapheme correspondence mechanism; precision in the recognition of punctuation marks; likewise, improvements are observed in reading fluency and comprehension. It is concluded that the application of the intervention plan shows an impact on reading comprehension.
Reading is a primary skill for any learning process, as it contributes to the acquisition of new knowledge; in addition, it is necessary for an adequate development in society. Therefore, it is important for children to master reading skills in order to ensure the main purpose of this activity: reading comprehension. The objective of this work is to identify the difficulties in the reading processes of an 8-year-old child, who is in the third grade of primary school, and carry out a corrective intervention program according to the needs presented. The difficulties he presents reside in the processes of low and high level of reading, as well as in the pre-instrumental factor of phonological awareness and complementary factor of attention; unexpected difficulties for their age and grade level. To this end, an intervention plan is carried out focused on strengthening phonological skills, attentional capacity, fluency and reading comprehension. The results show achievements in the analytical tasks of phonological awareness; lexical - phonological processes of reading and writing, in the acquisition of the grapheme-phoneme and phoneme-grapheme correspondence mechanism; precision in the recognition of punctuation marks; likewise, improvements are observed in reading fluency and comprehension. It is concluded that the application of the intervention plan shows an impact on reading comprehension.
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