Informe Jurídico sobre la Resolución N° 0067-2022/SDCINDECOPI
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente Informe Jurídico tiene como finalidad analizar la Resolución N° 0067-
2022/SDC-INDECOPI, cuya controversia versa sobre la denuncia formulada por
el señor Roberto Esteban Delgado Casanave, contra la empresa Diseños
Casanave International LLC sobre la infracción de los actos de competencia
desleal en la modalidad de engaño, a través de páginas web en donde el
denunciado transmitió la siguiente información: tener un acuerdo de asociación
con FAME S.A.C., que su oferta comercial consistía en armamento de guerra y
no civil y que su tipo societario era una Sociedad Anónima.
El análisis presenta una posición contraria a la asumida por la Sala y concluye
que sí hubo actos de engaño sobre las tres afirmaciones. Asimismo, del análisis
de la Resolución se ha advertido que conforme a los hechos del caso también
se produjo actos de confusión directa que no fueron advertidos por el órgano
Finalmente, el análisis incluye que la Resolución debió advertir los principios de
informalismo, verdad material y primacía de la realidad, generando un decidendo
distinto, acorde al correcto funcionamiento del mercado y respetando la libre
iniciativa privada en un contexto de economía social de mercado.
The purpose of this report is to analyze the Resolution N° 0067-2022/SDCINDECOPI, whose controversy concerns the complaint made by Mr. Roberto Esteban Delgado Casanave against Diseños Casanave International LLC for committing acts of unfair competition in the form of acts of deception, through websites where the defendant conveyed the following information: having an association agreement with FAME S.A.C., that its commercial offer consisted of warfare and not civilian armament, and that its corporate type was a Sociedad Anónima. The analysis takes a stance contrary to that assumed by the Chamber and concludes that there were indeed acts of deception regarding the three statements. Furthermore, the analysis of the Resolution has revealed that direct acts of confusion also occurred according to the facts of the case. Finally, the analysis includes that the Resolution should have considered the principles of informalism, material truth, and primacy of reality, resulting in a different decision, in line with the proper functioning of the market and respecting free private initiative within a social market economy context.
The purpose of this report is to analyze the Resolution N° 0067-2022/SDCINDECOPI, whose controversy concerns the complaint made by Mr. Roberto Esteban Delgado Casanave against Diseños Casanave International LLC for committing acts of unfair competition in the form of acts of deception, through websites where the defendant conveyed the following information: having an association agreement with FAME S.A.C., that its commercial offer consisted of warfare and not civilian armament, and that its corporate type was a Sociedad Anónima. The analysis takes a stance contrary to that assumed by the Chamber and concludes that there were indeed acts of deception regarding the three statements. Furthermore, the analysis of the Resolution has revealed that direct acts of confusion also occurred according to the facts of the case. Finally, the analysis includes that the Resolution should have considered the principles of informalism, material truth, and primacy of reality, resulting in a different decision, in line with the proper functioning of the market and respecting free private initiative within a social market economy context.
Palabras clave
Competencia desleal--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Sanciones administrativas--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Derecho administrativo--Jurisprudencia--Perú