Informe sobre Expediente N°008-2010/CLC, procedimiento administrativo sancionador contra Albis S.A., Boticas y Salud S.A.C., Boticas Torres de Limatambo S.A.C., Farmacias Peruanas S.A., Eckerd Perú S.A., Mifarma S.A.C. y Nortfarma S.A.C., por la comisión de prácticas colusorias horizontales, en la modalidad de fijación concertada de precios a nivel nacional
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe jurídico analiza la problemática suscitada a partir del procedimiento
administrativo sancionador contra Albis S.A., Farmacias Peruana S.A., Eckerd Perú
S.A., Mifarma S.A.C. y Nortfarma S.A.C, por la comisión de prácticas colusorias
horizontales, en la modalidad de fijación concertada de precios de venta, a nivel
nacional, en el periodo 2008-2009. Al respecto, el presente trabajo hace uso de
categorías e instituciones propias del Derecho Administrativo, así como de otras ramas
del Derecho, como el Derecho Constitucional, con el fin de determinar (i) si es posible
atribuir responsabilidad administrativa a cualquier agente económico interviniente en
una fijación concertada de precios, (ii) si se ha vulnerado el derecho de defensa de los
administrados y (iii) si es factible la aplicación de las categorías jurídicas de “facilitador”
o “intermediario”. Ulteriormente, los resultados de la presente investigación permiten
constatar: primero, que se puede atribuir responsabilidad a cualquier agente económico
competidor que haya participado en una práctica colusoria horizontal. Segundo, se han
garantizado, desde la notificación inicial hasta la emisión del acto administrativo, el
principio de contradicción y el principio de interdicción de la indefensión, contenido del
derecho de defensa, de las cadenas farmacéuticas. Tercero, conforme a los principios
de tipicidad y de irretroactividad, no cabe la posibilidad de atribuir responsabilidad
administrativa a ningún agente económico que haya participado como facilitador o
This legal report analyzes the problems arising from the administrative sanctioning procedure against Albis S.A., Farmacias Peruana S.A., Eckerd Perú S.A., Mifarma S.A.C. and Nortfarma S.A.C., for the commission of horizontal collusive practices, in the form of concerted fixing of sales prices, at national level, in the period 2008-2009. In this regard, this paper makes use of categories and institutions of Administrative Law, as well as other branches of Law, such as Constitutional Law, in order to determine (i) whether it is possible to attribute administrative liability to any economic agent involved in concerted price fixing, (ii) whether the rights of defense of the persons administered have been violated and (iii) whether the application of the legal categories of "facilitator" or "intermediary" is feasible. Subsequently, the results of this investigation show: first, that liability can be attributed to any competing economic agent that has participated in a horizontal collusive practice. Second, from the initial notification to the issuance of the administrative act, the principle of contradiction and the principle of prohibition of defenselessness, which are part of the right of defense of the pharmaceutical chains, have been guaranteed. Third, in accordance with the principles of typicality and nonretroactivity, there is no possibility of attributing administrative liability to any economic agent that has participated as a facilitator or intermediary.
This legal report analyzes the problems arising from the administrative sanctioning procedure against Albis S.A., Farmacias Peruana S.A., Eckerd Perú S.A., Mifarma S.A.C. and Nortfarma S.A.C., for the commission of horizontal collusive practices, in the form of concerted fixing of sales prices, at national level, in the period 2008-2009. In this regard, this paper makes use of categories and institutions of Administrative Law, as well as other branches of Law, such as Constitutional Law, in order to determine (i) whether it is possible to attribute administrative liability to any economic agent involved in concerted price fixing, (ii) whether the rights of defense of the persons administered have been violated and (iii) whether the application of the legal categories of "facilitator" or "intermediary" is feasible. Subsequently, the results of this investigation show: first, that liability can be attributed to any competing economic agent that has participated in a horizontal collusive practice. Second, from the initial notification to the issuance of the administrative act, the principle of contradiction and the principle of prohibition of defenselessness, which are part of the right of defense of the pharmaceutical chains, have been guaranteed. Third, in accordance with the principles of typicality and nonretroactivity, there is no possibility of attributing administrative liability to any economic agent that has participated as a facilitator or intermediary.
Palabras clave
Libre competencia--Legislación, Libre competencia--Control de precios, Farmacias--Control de precios
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