Discriminación en el Sistema Privado de Pensiones Peruano a trabajadores con discapacidad para acceder a la pensión de invalidez permanente
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El caso versa sobre la vulneración del derecho a la seguridad social y el principio de
no discriminación de Ricardo Galván en el marco de un proceso constitucional de
amparo. Ricardo Galván es una persona con discapacidad física que se afilió en 1996
al Sistema Privado de Pensiones con una lesión medular producto de meningitis
tuberculosa. En 2013 a partir de una lesión en el hombro producto de periartritis
escápulo humeral solicitó una pensión de invalidez permanente. El COMAFP y el
COMEC denegaron otorgar la pensión de invalidez permanente al determinar que la
lesión medular de 1990 generó la condición de invalidez permanente y no la lesión en
el hombro de 2013. Las lesiones fueron porcentualizadas en 70% y 4%
respectivamente. El caso fue visto por el Tercer Juzgado Especializado en lo
Constitucional de la Corte de Justicia de Lima que declaró fundada la demanda de
amparo por acreditarse la vulneración del derecho a la pensión e igualdad. Frente a
ello se discute en el presente Informe si la denegación de la pensión de invalidez
permanente a Ricardo Galván por el COMAFP y el COMEC constituyó una
vulneración del derecho a la pensión y el principio de igualdad y no discriminación a
la luz del Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos.
The case deals with the violation of Ricardo Galván's right to social security and the principle of non-discrimination in the context of a constitutional amparo proceeding. Ricardo Galván is a physically disabled person who joined the Private Pension System in 1996 with a spinal cord injury resulting from tuberculous meningitis. In 2013 as a result of a shoulder injury resulting in the condition of scapulohumeral periarthritis, he requested a permanent disability pension. The COMAFP and the COMEC denied granting the permanent disability pension, determining that the spinal cord injury of 1990 generated the permanent disability condition and not the shoulder injury of 2013. The injuries were rated at 70 % and 4 % respectively. The case was heard by the Third Court Specialized in Constitutional Matters of the Court of Justice of Lima, which declared the amparo claim to be well-founded due to the violation of the right to a pension and equality was accredited. In light of this, the present Report discusses whether the denial of the permanent disability pension to Ricardo Galván by the COMAFP and the COMEC constituted a violation of the right to a pension and the principle of equality and non-discrimination in light of International Human Rights Law.
The case deals with the violation of Ricardo Galván's right to social security and the principle of non-discrimination in the context of a constitutional amparo proceeding. Ricardo Galván is a physically disabled person who joined the Private Pension System in 1996 with a spinal cord injury resulting from tuberculous meningitis. In 2013 as a result of a shoulder injury resulting in the condition of scapulohumeral periarthritis, he requested a permanent disability pension. The COMAFP and the COMEC denied granting the permanent disability pension, determining that the spinal cord injury of 1990 generated the permanent disability condition and not the shoulder injury of 2013. The injuries were rated at 70 % and 4 % respectively. The case was heard by the Third Court Specialized in Constitutional Matters of the Court of Justice of Lima, which declared the amparo claim to be well-founded due to the violation of the right to a pension and equality was accredited. In light of this, the present Report discusses whether the denial of the permanent disability pension to Ricardo Galván by the COMAFP and the COMEC constituted a violation of the right to a pension and the principle of equality and non-discrimination in light of International Human Rights Law.
Palabras clave
Sistema privado de pensiones--Legislación--Perú, Personas con discapacidad--Legislación--Perú, Discriminación--Legislación--Perú
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