Análisis situacional para la implementación del enfoque de economía circular en los residuos de la construcción y demolición en Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente estudio se enfoca en comprender cuál es la visión de diferentes profesionales y
científicos con respecto al enfoque de la economía circular en el sector de los residuos de
construcción y demolición en el Perú. Son varios los autores que critican este enfoque, argumentando
que la entropía de nuestro universo es un proceso irreversible que impide su circularidad y que
podría ralentizar la economía. A pesar de esta visión cada vez más extendida, la economía circular
ha sido priorizada en muchos estamentos de la política pública del Estado, por lo que es importante
analizar el enfoque que le están dando diferentes organismos. Para ello, se llevó a cabo un estudio
de análisis normativo y se recogieron las percepciones de actores clave del sector público, privado
y consultores, utilizando una metodologíacualitativa y entrevistas semiestructuradas. Esto permitió
entender las oportunidades y desafíos del país en relación con la implementación propuesta.
Además, se transcribieron las respuestas de las entrevistas para un análisis detallado, revelando
similitudes y diferencias en las opiniones. Se concluyó que todavía queda un largo camino por
recorrer para lograr una implementación eficaz de la economía circular en los residuos de
construcción y demolición en nuestro país. Esto incluye fortalecer el papel del Estado como
regulador, reducir la informalidad, fomentar el desarrollo de negocios circulares, aumentar la
conciencia, comprender realmente lo que es una economía circular, considerar el análisis del ciclo
de vida de los productos y servicios, y promover más investigación, innovación y tecnología. Todo
esto nos proporcionará las herramientas necesarias para una transición exitosa hacia una economía
The present study focuses on understanding the vision of different professionals and scientists regarding the circular economy approach in the construction and demolition waste sector in Peru. There are several authors who criticize this approach, arguing that the entropy of our universe is an irreversible process that prevents its circularity and could slow down the economy. Despite this increasingly widespread vision, the circular economy has been prioritized in many areas of Peru's public policy, so it is important to analyze the approach that different organizations are giving it. To this end, a normative analysis study was carried out and the perceptions of key actors fromthe public, private and consulting sectors were gathered, using a qualitative methodology and semi-structured interviews. This allowed us to understand the opportunities and challenges in the country in relation to the proposed implementation. In addition, the interview responses were transcribed for detailed analysis, revealing similarities and differences in opinions. It wasconcluded that there is still a long way to go to achieve an effective implementation of the circular economy in construction and demolition waste in our country. This includes strengthening the role of the state as a regulator, reducing informality, encouraging thedevelopment of circular businesses, raising awareness, really understanding what a circular economy is, considering the life cycle analysis of products and services, and promoting more research, innovation and technology. All of this will provide us with the necessary tools for a successful transition to a circular economy.
The present study focuses on understanding the vision of different professionals and scientists regarding the circular economy approach in the construction and demolition waste sector in Peru. There are several authors who criticize this approach, arguing that the entropy of our universe is an irreversible process that prevents its circularity and could slow down the economy. Despite this increasingly widespread vision, the circular economy has been prioritized in many areas of Peru's public policy, so it is important to analyze the approach that different organizations are giving it. To this end, a normative analysis study was carried out and the perceptions of key actors fromthe public, private and consulting sectors were gathered, using a qualitative methodology and semi-structured interviews. This allowed us to understand the opportunities and challenges in the country in relation to the proposed implementation. In addition, the interview responses were transcribed for detailed analysis, revealing similarities and differences in opinions. It wasconcluded that there is still a long way to go to achieve an effective implementation of the circular economy in construction and demolition waste in our country. This includes strengthening the role of the state as a regulator, reducing informality, encouraging thedevelopment of circular businesses, raising awareness, really understanding what a circular economy is, considering the life cycle analysis of products and services, and promoting more research, innovation and technology. All of this will provide us with the necessary tools for a successful transition to a circular economy.
Palabras clave
Economía ambiental, Desarrollo sostenible--Aspectos ambientales, Residuos sólidos--Administración, Construcción--Aspectos ambientales, Industria de la construcción--Residuos
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