Los Derechos de la Naturaleza: fundamentos, teoría constitucional y exigibilidad jurisdiccional en el Ecuador
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La Naturaleza como sujeto de derechos fue reconocida, por primera vez en la
Constitución ecuatoriana de 2008. Al erigirse como una categoría jurídica de innegable
actualidad, impuso a la sociedad y a su ordenamiento jurídico múltiples retos; así como
al Estado y los operadores de justicia diversos obstáculos. Reestructurar la cultura
jurídica, el sistema legal y jurisprudencial del Estado ecuatoriano desde un criterio
humanocéntrico, hacia uno de tipo biocéntrico, constituye sin duda el principal desafío
científico jurídico de los poderes del Estado.
A partir de ello, analizar los principales fundamentos teóricos y jurisdiccionales sobre la
exigencia de los derechos de la Naturaleza en la realidad ecuatoriana, constituye el
principal objetivo de la presente tesis doctoral.
Para ello, en nuestra investigación desarrollamos un estudio que combina paradigmas
cualitativo-interpretativos con aquellos un enfoque descriptivo – explicativo, estrategia
metodológica que nos permitió dilucidar las principales cuestiones en la historia y en la
actualidad sobre el reconocimiento de la Naturaleza como sujeto de derechos.
Nuestro abordaje se completa con una metodología casuística, permitiendo analizar casos
reales, así como jurisprudencia pertinente que nos posibilita asegurar que, en el
Ecuador, aun cuando existe un ordenamiento jurídico proteccionista con relación a los
derechos de la Naturaleza, ya en la práctica judicial, la actuación de los jueces no es
suficiente para asegurarlos, suscitándose serias dificultades para la tutela judicial
efectiva de los mismos.
No obstante, se puede concluir que el estudio logra demostrar que, a pesar de ello, se
evidencia una voluntad política cada vez más creciente en el ámbito ecuatoriano en torno
a asegurar y perfeccionar con mayor amplitud todas las acciones que desde el
legislativo, ejecutivo y judicial, puedan adoptarse en pro de los derechos de la
The Nature, as a subject holder of rights, was set for the first time in human history in the 2008's Ecuadorian Constitution. Establishing by science as a legal concept of undeniable topicality, it imposed multiple challenges on society and its legal system, as well as many challenges to the State and justice institutions. Rebuild the legal culture, the legal and jurisprudential system of the Ecuadorian state from an humanocentric foundation towards a biocentric one, undoubtedly constitutes the main legal scientific challenge of State powers. Thus, analyzing the main theoretical and jurisdictional concepts on the behold for the rights of Nature in the Ecuadorian Case, constitutes the main objective of this doctoral thesis. Upon this, our research combines qualitative-interpretive paradigms with those of a descriptive-explanatory approach, a methodological strategy that allowed us to elucidate the main questions in history and present day about the recognition of Nature as a subject of rights. Our approach is completed with a casuistic methodology, allowing us to analyze real cases, as well as pertinent jurisprudence that enables us to ensure that, in Ecuador Case. even when there is a protectionist legal system in relation to the rights of Nature, already in judicial practice, the performance of the judges is not enough to ensure them, causing serious difficulties for their effective judicial protection. However, our research conclusions are tending to demonstrate that, despite the difficulties in the performance of legal system, there is evidence of an increasingly growing political efforts in the Ecuadorian sphere to ensure and improve, more comprehensively, all the actions that the legislative, executive and judicial, to operate in favor of the rights of Nature.
The Nature, as a subject holder of rights, was set for the first time in human history in the 2008's Ecuadorian Constitution. Establishing by science as a legal concept of undeniable topicality, it imposed multiple challenges on society and its legal system, as well as many challenges to the State and justice institutions. Rebuild the legal culture, the legal and jurisprudential system of the Ecuadorian state from an humanocentric foundation towards a biocentric one, undoubtedly constitutes the main legal scientific challenge of State powers. Thus, analyzing the main theoretical and jurisdictional concepts on the behold for the rights of Nature in the Ecuadorian Case, constitutes the main objective of this doctoral thesis. Upon this, our research combines qualitative-interpretive paradigms with those of a descriptive-explanatory approach, a methodological strategy that allowed us to elucidate the main questions in history and present day about the recognition of Nature as a subject of rights. Our approach is completed with a casuistic methodology, allowing us to analyze real cases, as well as pertinent jurisprudence that enables us to ensure that, in Ecuador Case. even when there is a protectionist legal system in relation to the rights of Nature, already in judicial practice, the performance of the judges is not enough to ensure them, causing serious difficulties for their effective judicial protection. However, our research conclusions are tending to demonstrate that, despite the difficulties in the performance of legal system, there is evidence of an increasingly growing political efforts in the Ecuadorian sphere to ensure and improve, more comprehensively, all the actions that the legislative, executive and judicial, to operate in favor of the rights of Nature.
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