Los límites a la videovigilancia en el ejercicio de las facultades fiscalizadoras del empleador en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Mediante la presente tesis se analizó la validez e implicancias del uso de la videovigilancia
en la relación laboral para control laboral, ya que si bien el uso de dispositivos de
videovigilancia en principio son beneficiosos, su uso inadecuado pude causar en algunas
ocasiones que se afecten derechos fundamentales de los trabajadores, los cuáles
constituyen límites al poder de dirección del empleador.
El objetivo general del presente trabajo es el de determinar cómo deberia encontrarse
regulado el uso de la videovigilancia en la relación laboral en salvaguarda de los derechos
fundamentales de los trabajadores. Para ello, se ha realizado el análisis del concepto de
videovigilancia y se ha revisado jurisprudencia sobre dicho tema para identificar cuáles son
los derechos fundamentales que se ven involucrados en su uso.
Asimismo, se evalúa la validez del uso de la videovigilancia en la relación laboral y sus
implicancias, estudiando los diversos tipos de videovigilancia que existen – informada y
oculta – y las particularidades de cada una de estas planteadas por la jurisprudencia
internacional. Además, se ha revisado cómo es que la videovigilancia se encuentra
regulada en el derecho comparado y la jurisprudencia internacional relevante, para que con
los elementos hallados hasta dicho momento se evalúe la validez del uso de la
videovigilancia en circunstancias específicas relacionadas al ámbito laboral.
Por último, se analiza y evalúa si la Directiva para el Tratamiento de Datos Personales
mediante Sistemas de Videovigilancia es el instrumento normativo adecuado para regular
el uso de la videovigilancia en la relación laboral en el Peru. Para finalizar, se plantea una
propuesta de pautas mínimas que deberían tenerse en consideración para regular de forma
adecuada el uso de la videovigilancia para control laboral en el Perú.
Through this thesis, it was carried out an analysis about the validity and implications of the use of video surveillance in the employment relationship for labor control, since although the use of video surveillance devices are beneficial in principle, their inappropriate use can sometimes cause that those fundamental rights, which constitute limits to the management power of the employer, gets affected. The main objective of this work is to determine how the use of video surveillance should be regulated in the labor relationship to safeguard the fundamental rights of the employees. To do this, an analysis of the concept of video surveillance and jurisprudence on that issue has been reviewed to identify which are the fundamental rights involved in the use of video surveillance. Also, in this thesis it is analyzed the validity of the use of video surveillance in the employment relationship and its implications in this field. The analysis has been made through the review of the various types of video surveillance that exist – informed and hidden-, by reviewing how it is regulated in the international law and jurisprudence. With all the elements obtained up to that moment, this work evaluates the validity of the use of video surveillance in specific circumstances related to the labor relation. Finally, it is reviewed the content and validity of the Directive for the Treatment of Personal Data through Video Surveillance Systems to regulate the use of video surveillance in the labor relation. Ending by raising a proposal of minimum guidelines that must be taken into consideration to adequately regulate the use of video surveillance in the labor relation for labor control in Peru.
Through this thesis, it was carried out an analysis about the validity and implications of the use of video surveillance in the employment relationship for labor control, since although the use of video surveillance devices are beneficial in principle, their inappropriate use can sometimes cause that those fundamental rights, which constitute limits to the management power of the employer, gets affected. The main objective of this work is to determine how the use of video surveillance should be regulated in the labor relationship to safeguard the fundamental rights of the employees. To do this, an analysis of the concept of video surveillance and jurisprudence on that issue has been reviewed to identify which are the fundamental rights involved in the use of video surveillance. Also, in this thesis it is analyzed the validity of the use of video surveillance in the employment relationship and its implications in this field. The analysis has been made through the review of the various types of video surveillance that exist – informed and hidden-, by reviewing how it is regulated in the international law and jurisprudence. With all the elements obtained up to that moment, this work evaluates the validity of the use of video surveillance in specific circumstances related to the labor relation. Finally, it is reviewed the content and validity of the Directive for the Treatment of Personal Data through Video Surveillance Systems to regulate the use of video surveillance in the labor relation. Ending by raising a proposal of minimum guidelines that must be taken into consideration to adequately regulate the use of video surveillance in the labor relation for labor control in Peru.
Palabras clave
Derechos fundamentales--Perú, Derecho a la intimidad--Perú, Protección de datos--Perú, Derecho laboral--Perú
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