El Grupo de Empresa Laboral: Aspectos individuales y colectivos
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Los grupos de empresas constituyen una realidad empresarial que se ha consolidado
como una de las figuras jurídicas que conforman el fenómeno de concentración
empresarial, cuyo auge ha ido incrementándose hasta la actualidad. Esta forma de
organización empresarial se caracteriza por estar conformada por diversos sujetos
jurídicos, formalmente independientes y revestidos de personalidad jurídica propia que,
no obstante, actúan bajo una dirección económica común.
Pues bien, pese a que se trata de un fenómeno cotidiano en nuestros días, la legislación
peruana no ha previsto una norma especial que regule a los grupos de empresas en todos
sus aspectos; en efecto, si bien se cuenta con normas sectoriales que los regulan de
acuerdo con su naturaleza, en materia laboral opera una laguna jurídica. Precisamente,
debido a la ausencia normativa antes expuesta, la jurisprudencia ha tomado un rol
protagónico en lo que respecta a la solución de controversias que se presentan en el
marco de este fenómeno empresarial.
En virtud de lo anterior, el presente trabajo de investigación tiene como punto de partida
la laguna jurídica existente respecto a los grupos de empresas en el Derecho del Trabajo
peruano (ámbito individual y colectivo). En adición, se aspira abordar los principales
problemas jurídicos advertidos de índole individual y colectivo en el marco de los grupos
de empresas; así como efectuar una sana crítica sobre los fallos judiciales que abordan
estos últimos. Ello, con el propósito genuino de brindar una solución pragmática ─y
esperamos acertada─ que pueda ser bien recibida por nuestros operadores de justicia.
Groups of companies constitute a business reality that has been consolidated as one of the legal figures that make up the phenomenon of business concentration, whose boom has been increasing until today. This form of business organization is characterized by being made up of various legal subjects, formally independent and covered with their own legal personality that, however, act under a common economic direction. Even though it is a daily phenomenon in our days, Peruvian legislation has not provided for a special law that regulates groups of companies in all their aspects; indeed, although there are sectoral rules that regulate them according to their nature, in labor matters there is a legal gap. Precisely, due to the absence of regulations described above, jurisprudence has taken a leading role in the resolution of disputes that arise within the framework of this business phenomenon. By virtue of the above, the present research work has as its starting point the existing legal gap with respect to groups of companies in Peruvian Labor Law (individual and collective scope). In addition, the aim is to address the main legal problems identified as individuals and collectives in the context of group of companies; as well as to make a healthy criticism of the judicial decisions issued. This, with the genuine purpose of providing a pragmatic solution –and we hope wise– that can be well received by our justice operators.
Groups of companies constitute a business reality that has been consolidated as one of the legal figures that make up the phenomenon of business concentration, whose boom has been increasing until today. This form of business organization is characterized by being made up of various legal subjects, formally independent and covered with their own legal personality that, however, act under a common economic direction. Even though it is a daily phenomenon in our days, Peruvian legislation has not provided for a special law that regulates groups of companies in all their aspects; indeed, although there are sectoral rules that regulate them according to their nature, in labor matters there is a legal gap. Precisely, due to the absence of regulations described above, jurisprudence has taken a leading role in the resolution of disputes that arise within the framework of this business phenomenon. By virtue of the above, the present research work has as its starting point the existing legal gap with respect to groups of companies in Peruvian Labor Law (individual and collective scope). In addition, the aim is to address the main legal problems identified as individuals and collectives in the context of group of companies; as well as to make a healthy criticism of the judicial decisions issued. This, with the genuine purpose of providing a pragmatic solution –and we hope wise– that can be well received by our justice operators.
Palabras clave
Derecho laboral--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Sociedades comerciales--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Concentración económica--Aspectos legales--Perú, Derecho colectivo del trabajo--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Derecho individual del trabajo--Jurisprudencia--Perú
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