Un estudio experimental de los efectos de dos modalidades informativas sobre el interés científico
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El objetivo del presente estudio fue examinar el efecto de dos modalidades de
información (gráfica textual y audiovisual) en el interés por las ciencias de alumnos de 4to
de secundaria de dos Instituciones Educativas de Lima Metropolitana. La muestra estuvo
compuesta por 35 estudiantes (25 hombres y 10 mujeres). No se encontraron diferencias
significativas en los puntajes globales de la prueba de interés construida para la
investigación, de acuerdo al tipo de modalidad (p = .545). Del mismo modo, no se
encontraron diferencias en los puntajes de las áreas Búsqueda de actividad científica (p =
450), Búsqueda de información científica (p = .177) y Búsqueda de contacto con personas
que se dedican a las ciencias (p = .319). Sin embargo, sí se hallaron diferencias
significativas entre las dos modalidades para el área Búsqueda de personas aficionadas a
las ciencias (p = .029). En esta última área, la media de la modalidad audiovisual (M =
7.91) fue mayor que la de la modalidad gráfico textual (M = 7.57).Los resultados son
discutidos de acuerdo a la teoría del interés fluido propuesta por Ackerman y Maynard
The aim of this study was to examine the effect of two modalities of information (graphics - textual and audiovisual) on the interest in science in high school students of 4th grade from two educational institutions in the city of Lima. The sample was composed of 35 students (10 women and 25 men). No overall differences in scores of the test that was made for the study according to the type of modality (p = .545) were found. No differences in scores of areas Search of scientific activity (p = 450), Search of scientific information (p = .177) and Search contact with people who are dedicated to science (p = .319) were found. However, significant differences between the modalities in the area Search of science enthusiasts people (p = .029) were found. For this latest area, the audiovisual average mode (m = 7.91) was higher than textual graphic mode (m = 7.57). These results are discussed according to the theory of fluid interest by Ackerman and Maynard (1992).
The aim of this study was to examine the effect of two modalities of information (graphics - textual and audiovisual) on the interest in science in high school students of 4th grade from two educational institutions in the city of Lima. The sample was composed of 35 students (10 women and 25 men). No overall differences in scores of the test that was made for the study according to the type of modality (p = .545) were found. No differences in scores of areas Search of scientific activity (p = 450), Search of scientific information (p = .177) and Search contact with people who are dedicated to science (p = .319) were found. However, significant differences between the modalities in the area Search of science enthusiasts people (p = .029) were found. For this latest area, the audiovisual average mode (m = 7.91) was higher than textual graphic mode (m = 7.57). These results are discussed according to the theory of fluid interest by Ackerman and Maynard (1992).
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