El vocabulario expresivo y comprensivo en niños varones y mujeres de seis a nueve años de edad de instituciones educativas estatales y privadas de Lima Metropolitana.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación titulada “El Vocabulario Expresivo y
Comprensivo en niños varones y mujeres de seis a nueve años de edad de
Instituciones Educativas Estatales y Privadas de Lima Metropolitana” tuvo por
objetivo determinar las diferencias y semejanzas que en estos vocabularios
pudieran tener los niños participantes del estudio, para su mejor caracterización en
esta dimensión fundamental del lenguaje.
En el proceso de la medición de ambas variables se utilizó el Test Figura –
Palabra de Vocabulario Expresivo de Gardner – Adaptado, que consta de 110
láminas y el Test de Vocabulario en imágenes de PEABODY PPVT III, que posee
192láminas con 4 ítems cada una.
Al término del estudio se pudo comprobar que noexisten diferenciassignificativas
en el desarrollo del lenguaje comprensivo y expresivoen relación al sexo de los niños evaluados, pero en cuanto a la edad e institución educativa (estatales y
privadas), si se observaron diferencias significativas.
The present study titled "The Expressive Vocabulary Understanding boy and girl of six to nine years of State and Private Educational Institutions of Punjab" aims to determine the differences and similarities in expressive vocabulary and understanding that characterizes children boy and girl of six to nine years of public and private educational institutions in metropolitan Lima. Which consists of 192 sheets each with 4 items; - Expressive vocabulary word Gardner - Adapted, which consists of 110 sheets and Vocabulary Test PPVT III PEABODY images for this investigation Figure Test were used. At the end of this research it was found that no significant differences in the development of comprehensive and expressive language, in relation to sex of the children tested , however in terms of Age and Educational Institution ( state and private schools), if observed significant differences.
The present study titled "The Expressive Vocabulary Understanding boy and girl of six to nine years of State and Private Educational Institutions of Punjab" aims to determine the differences and similarities in expressive vocabulary and understanding that characterizes children boy and girl of six to nine years of public and private educational institutions in metropolitan Lima. Which consists of 192 sheets each with 4 items; - Expressive vocabulary word Gardner - Adapted, which consists of 110 sheets and Vocabulary Test PPVT III PEABODY images for this investigation Figure Test were used. At the end of this research it was found that no significant differences in the development of comprehensive and expressive language, in relation to sex of the children tested , however in terms of Age and Educational Institution ( state and private schools), if observed significant differences.
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