Percepciones y estrategias de participación en entornos de variación socioeconómica. Caso del proyecto de exploración Palcawanka, comunidad campesina de Conaicasa, distrito de Palca, provincia y región de Huancavelica
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La región de Huancavelica es rica en yacimientos metálicos, existe una producción de
arsénico, bismuto, cobre, oro, plata, plomo, zinc. En relación con la producción metálica
nacional, encontramos que “En abril de 2022, la producción minera metálica de hierro
(+7.6%), estaño (+1.5%) y molibdeno (+6.0%) registraron aumentos en los niveles de
producción en comparación a idéntico mes de 2021. Sin embargo, la producción nacional de
cobre (-1.7%), oro (-0.1%), zinc (-23.6%), plata (-4.4%) y plomo (-4.0%) reflejaron
disminuciones en el mismo periodo, lo que denota una continuidad en el proceso productivo
de materias primas” (ESTAMIN, 2022).
A pesar de que la producción polimetálica en la región de Huancavelica es descollante
y forma parte del sostenimiento de la economía nacional; este hecho no guarda una relación
directa con el desarrollo de las comunidades cercanas a los proyectos mineros, en su defecto
se ha normalizado las limitaciones de acceso a servicios básicos, constituyéndose así un
entorno de pobreza y pobreza extrema; situación preocupante que podría ser revertido a
través de una estrategia de desarrollo económico local (DEL).
En ese contexto social es que se desarrolla el proyecto de exploración denominada
Palcawanka, que, si bien ha configurado en la comunidad una variación económica y social,
se ha identificado que la comunidad del entorno mantiene un acceso limitado a servicios
básicos; sobre este terreno se generan las precepciones y estrategias de participación desde
los actores como la comunidad y empresa.
Las percepciones de los comuneros y funcionarios de la empresa de un lado y la
investigación en campo por otro nos permitirán extraer elementos para la gestión de
desarrollo económico local (DEL), tal como es entendido por Alburquerque (2004), el
desarrollo debería surgir desde el territorio y los actores a través de alianzas estratégicas.
A través de la presente investigación, encontramos tres resultados; el primer
resultado, guarda relación a la percepción de los miembros de la comunidad que, si bien
perciben los cambios socioeconómicos y la influencia de la empresa como favorables para
su desarrollo, existe un menor grupo que considera que no perciben mayores cambios en su
estilo de vida o sus condiciones materiales hayan variado en los años.
Segundo, los funcionarios de la empresa consideran que su intervención en la
comunidad ha contribuido de manera favorable en el desarrollo de esta, así como en la mejora
de la relación empresa comunidad; y esta guarda relación con las estrategias de intervención
que tienen in situ. Sin embargo, cabe precisar que, la política de intervención de la empresa
en la comunidad se ha desarrollado de manera pragmática, sin contar con una política de
sostenibilidad y una gestión social estratégica que les permita construir una relación de valor
compartido, sus acciones están más relacionadas con la filantropía y apoyos económicos del
momento que si bien atenúan los ánimos de la comunidad coyunturalmente no son propios
de la gerencia social cuyo norte es la mejora de las condiciones de vida de las poblaciones
donde se interviene.
Por ejemplo, los proyectos de construcción de carreteras fueron ejecutadas a partir de
la necesidad de la empresa más no a partir de la participación de la comunidad en tomar la
decisión sobre su territorio y el futuro. A pesar de que sean obras en favor del desarrollo
comunitario, pero no se evidencia la participación social esencial para el desarrollo de este.
Tercero, se ha identificado una preocupación desde la comunidad; y esta tiene que
ver con la demanda de información sobre la contaminación que podría generar la actividad
minera en su comunidad, considerando que la información que es trasladada por sus
habitantes y medios sobre casos de contaminación en Cerro de Pasco, Cajamarca o en
Este resultado es expresión del tipo de gestión social que viene implementando la
empresa que no toma en cuenta aspectos preventivos como las comunicacionales, útiles en
afianzar la confianza, la transparencia en la relación empresa y comunidad y funcionarios,
que sirven para prevenir conflictos sociales.
Por otro lado, los elementos centrales extraídos mediante una investigación cualitativa
que contempla entrevistas semiestructuradas de los principales actores involucrados en la
relación empresa y comunidad; permitirán a la empresa proponer estrategias de
sostenibilidad del proyecto de exploración minera. Para tal fin, la presente investigación tiene
un objetivo general el cual es reconstruir analíticamente la percepción y las estrategias de
participación de la comunidad y la empresa acerca de su interrelación en el marco los cambios
sociales, económicos generados por la intervención del proyecto de exploración Palcawanka;
con vistas a extraer principales lecciones y posibilidades de réplica creativa en otros proyectos
mineros que se encuentran desarrollando exploraciones o se desarrollarán a lo largo del
territorio nacional.
The Huancavelica region is rich in metal deposits, there is production of arsenic, bismuth, copper, gold, silver, lead, zinc. In relation to national metal production, we find that “In April 2022, metal mining production of iron (+7.6%), tin (+1.5%) and molybdenum (+6.0%) recorded increases in production levels compared to to the same month in 2021. However, national production of copper (-1.7%), gold (-0.1%), zinc (-23.6%), silver (-4.4%) and lead (- 4.0%) reflected decreases in the same period, which denotes continuity in the production process of raw materials. Although polymetallic production in the Huancavelica region is outstanding and is part of the support of the national economy; This fact is not related to the development of the communities near the mining projects; otherwise, the limitations on access to basic services have been normalized, thus creating an environment of poverty and extreme poverty; worrying situation that could be reversed through a Local Economic Development-LED strategy. In this context, the exploration project called Palcawanka is developed, which, although it has configured an economic and social variation in the community, it has been identified that the surrounding community maintains its limited access to basic services; On this ground, perceptions and participation strategies are generated from actors such as the community and the company. The perceptions of the community members and company officials on the one hand and the field research on the other will allow us to extract elements for the management of Local Economic Development-LED, as understood by Alburquerque (2004), development should arise from the territory and actors through strategic alliances. This research, we found three results; The first result is related to the perception of community members who, although they perceive the socioeconomic changes and the influence of the company as favorable for their development, there is a smaller group that considers that they do not perceive major changes in their style of work. life or its material conditions have changed over the years. Second, company officials consider that their intervention in the community has contributed favorably to its development, as well as to the improvement of the companycommunity relationship; and this is related to the intervention strategies they have in situ. However, it should be noted that the company's intervention policy in the community has been developed in a pragmatic manner, without having a sustainability policy and strategic social management that allows it to build a relationship of shared value, its actions are more related to philanthropy and economic support of the moment that, although they mitigate the spirits of the community, are not typical of social management whose goal is the best living conditions of the populations where it intervenes. For instance, road construction projects were executed based on the company's needs but not based on the community's participation in making decisions about their territory and the future. Although they are works in favor of community development, the social participation essential for its development isn´t evident. Third, a concern has been identified from the community; and this has to do with the demand for information about the contamination that mining activity could generate in their community, considering that the information that is conveyed by its inhabitants and media about cases of contamination in Cerro de Pasco, Cajamarca, or Cusco. This result is an expression of the type of social management that the company has been undertaking that does not consider preventive aspects such as communication, which are useful in strengthening trust and transparency in the relationship between the company, the community, and officials, since they serve to prevent social conflicts. On the other hand, the central elements extracted through qualitative research that includes semi-structured interviews of the main actors involved in the company-community relationship; They will allow the company to propose sustainability strategies for the mining exploration project. To this end, the present research has a general objective which is to analytically reconstruct the perception and participation strategies of the community and the company about their interrelation within the framework of the social and economic changes generated by the intervention of the Palcawanka exploration project; with a view to extracting main lessons and possibilities for creative replication in other mining projects that are developing explorations or will be developed throughout the national territory.
The Huancavelica region is rich in metal deposits, there is production of arsenic, bismuth, copper, gold, silver, lead, zinc. In relation to national metal production, we find that “In April 2022, metal mining production of iron (+7.6%), tin (+1.5%) and molybdenum (+6.0%) recorded increases in production levels compared to to the same month in 2021. However, national production of copper (-1.7%), gold (-0.1%), zinc (-23.6%), silver (-4.4%) and lead (- 4.0%) reflected decreases in the same period, which denotes continuity in the production process of raw materials. Although polymetallic production in the Huancavelica region is outstanding and is part of the support of the national economy; This fact is not related to the development of the communities near the mining projects; otherwise, the limitations on access to basic services have been normalized, thus creating an environment of poverty and extreme poverty; worrying situation that could be reversed through a Local Economic Development-LED strategy. In this context, the exploration project called Palcawanka is developed, which, although it has configured an economic and social variation in the community, it has been identified that the surrounding community maintains its limited access to basic services; On this ground, perceptions and participation strategies are generated from actors such as the community and the company. The perceptions of the community members and company officials on the one hand and the field research on the other will allow us to extract elements for the management of Local Economic Development-LED, as understood by Alburquerque (2004), development should arise from the territory and actors through strategic alliances. This research, we found three results; The first result is related to the perception of community members who, although they perceive the socioeconomic changes and the influence of the company as favorable for their development, there is a smaller group that considers that they do not perceive major changes in their style of work. life or its material conditions have changed over the years. Second, company officials consider that their intervention in the community has contributed favorably to its development, as well as to the improvement of the companycommunity relationship; and this is related to the intervention strategies they have in situ. However, it should be noted that the company's intervention policy in the community has been developed in a pragmatic manner, without having a sustainability policy and strategic social management that allows it to build a relationship of shared value, its actions are more related to philanthropy and economic support of the moment that, although they mitigate the spirits of the community, are not typical of social management whose goal is the best living conditions of the populations where it intervenes. For instance, road construction projects were executed based on the company's needs but not based on the community's participation in making decisions about their territory and the future. Although they are works in favor of community development, the social participation essential for its development isn´t evident. Third, a concern has been identified from the community; and this has to do with the demand for information about the contamination that mining activity could generate in their community, considering that the information that is conveyed by its inhabitants and media about cases of contamination in Cerro de Pasco, Cajamarca, or Cusco. This result is an expression of the type of social management that the company has been undertaking that does not consider preventive aspects such as communication, which are useful in strengthening trust and transparency in the relationship between the company, the community, and officials, since they serve to prevent social conflicts. On the other hand, the central elements extracted through qualitative research that includes semi-structured interviews of the main actors involved in the company-community relationship; They will allow the company to propose sustainability strategies for the mining exploration project. To this end, the present research has a general objective which is to analytically reconstruct the perception and participation strategies of the community and the company about their interrelation within the framework of the social and economic changes generated by the intervention of the Palcawanka exploration project; with a view to extracting main lessons and possibilities for creative replication in other mining projects that are developing explorations or will be developed throughout the national territory.
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