El aprendizaje significativo en Iberoamérica en las dos últimas décadas: estado del arte
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de investigación surge como respuesta ante un interés personal y
profesional propio en relación con la manera en que los estudiantes se encuentran
aprendiendo en la actualidad para reflexionar sobre aspectos condicionantes que
permitan lograr aprendizajes significativos. Asimismo, tiene como principal objetivo
brindar una mejor comprensión de todo lo que este implica, no solo en beneficio del
proceso de aprendizaje realizado por los estudiantes, sino también del proceso de
enseñanza guiado por los docentes. La información que a continuación se presenta
ha sido procesada mediante un estudio del tipo investigación documental, el cual
permite reforzar las habilidades en cuestión de criterios de búsqueda de información
y la presentación coherente, organizada y argumentada de lo que se ha encontrado.
Corresponde también mencionar que la recopilación que se presenta evidencia una
secuencia temporal, es decir, cada trabajo que se muestra ha sido organizado en
orden cronológico. Asimismo, solo se ha considerado aquellos trabajos publicados en
los últimos veintidós años en América Latina y España. Algunas reflexiones que
suscita esta investigación tienen relación con la forma en que la enseñanza se
presenta a los estudiantes y el uso de recursos para promover los aprendizajes, así
como el rol que estos deben asumir en su proceso formativo y la consideración de
otros elementos tales como la evaluación, principios o fases de este proceso, la
interacción, la innovación e inserción de las nuevas tecnologías, entre otros. Se
espera que este trabajo contribuya al repensar de la educación que se viene
realizando a fin de producir mejoras significativas.
The present research work arises as a response to a personal and professional interest in the way students are currently learning in order to reflect on conditioning aspects that allow them to achieve significant learning. Likewise, its main objective is to provide a better understanding of all that this implies, not only for the benefit of the learning process carried out by the students, but also for the teaching process guided by the teachers. The information presented below has been processed through documentary study/research, which allows for the reinforcement of skills in terms of information search criteria and the coherent, organised and argued presentation of what has been found. It is also worth mentioning that the collection presented shows a temporal sequence, that is, each work shown has been organized in chronological order. Likewise, only those works published in the last 22 years in Latin America and Spain have been considered. Some reflections raised by this research are related to the way in which teaching is presented to students and the use of resources to promote learning, as well as the role that students should assume in their training process and the consideration of other elements such as evaluation, principles or phases of this process, interaction, innovation and insertion of new technologies, among others. It is hoped that this work will contribute to the rethinking of education that is being carried out in order to produce significant improvements.
The present research work arises as a response to a personal and professional interest in the way students are currently learning in order to reflect on conditioning aspects that allow them to achieve significant learning. Likewise, its main objective is to provide a better understanding of all that this implies, not only for the benefit of the learning process carried out by the students, but also for the teaching process guided by the teachers. The information presented below has been processed through documentary study/research, which allows for the reinforcement of skills in terms of information search criteria and the coherent, organised and argued presentation of what has been found. It is also worth mentioning that the collection presented shows a temporal sequence, that is, each work shown has been organized in chronological order. Likewise, only those works published in the last 22 years in Latin America and Spain have been considered. Some reflections raised by this research are related to the way in which teaching is presented to students and the use of resources to promote learning, as well as the role that students should assume in their training process and the consideration of other elements such as evaluation, principles or phases of this process, interaction, innovation and insertion of new technologies, among others. It is hoped that this work will contribute to the rethinking of education that is being carried out in order to produce significant improvements.
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