Analizando críticamente el crecimiento en el Perú: alternativa de un impuesto al carbono hacia el 2050
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El crecimiento económico tiene una relación directa con el aumento en el uso de
recursos naturales. Esta relación puede traer cambios irreversibles debido a que
los recursos se pueden agotar y esto terminaría afectando a las generaciones
futuras. Además, el crecimiento económico en el Perú también genera
contaminación ambiental; por lo que es necesario un cambio en el modelo
económico actual desde el punto de vista ambientalista. Es por eso que esta
investigación, teórica-metodológica, propone la alternativa de ponerle un límite
al crecimiento en el Perú mientras se aplica un impuesto al carbono y nos
enfocamos en el desarrollo del país en base a variables como pobreza,
desempleo y contaminación. Se busca evaluar esta propuesta haciendo uso de
la teoría de la economía neoclásica que se basa en la economía como un todo y
de la ecológica que toma a la economía como parte del planeta y sus recursos,
además de buscar evidencia y contribuir con medidas de política a tomar en
cuenta para reducir el impacto del crecimiento económico en el medio ambiente.
Analizando hasta el momento la teoría, se concluye que el modelo de economía
en el que nos basamos no es sostenible en el tiempo y que, por ende, debe haber
un cambio hacia lo que llamamos decrecimiento.
Economic growth is directly related to the increase in the use of natural resources. This relationship can bring irreversible changes because resources can be depleted and this would end up affecting future generations. Furthermore, economic growth in Peru also generates environmental pollution; reason why a change in the current economic model is necessary from the environmental point of view. That is why this theoretical-methodological research proposes the alternative of putting a limit to growth in Peru while applying a carbon tax and we focus on the development of the country based on variables such as poverty, unemployment and pollution. The aim is to evaluate this proposal using the neoclassical theory of economics that is based on the economy as a whole and the ecological one that takes the economy as part of the planet and its resources, in addition to looking for evidence and contributing to policy measures. to take into account to reduce the impact of economic growth on the environment. Analyzing the theory so far, it is concluded that the economic model on which we base ourselves is not sustainable over time and that, therefore, there must be a change towards what we call decrease.
Economic growth is directly related to the increase in the use of natural resources. This relationship can bring irreversible changes because resources can be depleted and this would end up affecting future generations. Furthermore, economic growth in Peru also generates environmental pollution; reason why a change in the current economic model is necessary from the environmental point of view. That is why this theoretical-methodological research proposes the alternative of putting a limit to growth in Peru while applying a carbon tax and we focus on the development of the country based on variables such as poverty, unemployment and pollution. The aim is to evaluate this proposal using the neoclassical theory of economics that is based on the economy as a whole and the ecological one that takes the economy as part of the planet and its resources, in addition to looking for evidence and contributing to policy measures. to take into account to reduce the impact of economic growth on the environment. Analyzing the theory so far, it is concluded that the economic model on which we base ourselves is not sustainable over time and that, therefore, there must be a change towards what we call decrease.
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