La vivienda autoconstruida desde una perspectiva de género: un testimonio vivencial, San Juan de Miraflores, 1962
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente ensayo explora las relaciones de género en los procesos de autoconstrucción
de la vivienda en Lima, durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Para ello, se recoge un testimonio
vivencial que corresponde a una experiencia de autoconstrucción llevada a cabo en San Juan de
Miraflores, en 1962. Mediante el uso del testimonio, se apuesta por una aproximación al proceso
de expansión urbana desde las subjetividades de los actores sociales, lo que permite comprender,
desde otra perspectiva, las narrativas oficiales sobre el “desborde popular”. A través del análisis
testimonial, se encuentra un fuerte valor al rol de madre en tanto los hijos se presentan como
principal motivación para dar solución al problema habitacional, esto lleva a las mujeres a
organizar sus labores cotidianas y distribuir sus tiempos en función de ello. De esta manera, se
identifica que las disputas por la conquista de la vivienda y el derecho a la ciudad pasan tanto por
el plano colectivo, como por el del núcleo familiar. En ese sentido, el artículo evidencia que la
perspectiva de género es una dimensión crucial para poder comprender el proceso de expansión
urbana en Lima.
The following essay explores gender relations in self-building housing processes in Lima during the second half of the 20th century. In that line, the essay presents a lived experience testimony about a slef-building housing process that took place in San Juan de Miraflores, 1962. Through the use of the testimony, the essay attempts to approach the urban expansion process from the subjectivities of the social actors, which allows us to understand the official narratives on the "desborde popular" from another perspective. Through the testimonial analysis, a strong value to the role of mother is found, as the children are presented as the main motivation to solve the housing problem, this leads women to organize their daily tasks and distribute their time based on it. Thus, it is identified that the disputes over the conquest of housing and the right to the city go through both the collective level and that of the family nucleus. The article shows that the gender perspective is a crucial dimension in order to understand the urban expansion process in Lima.
The following essay explores gender relations in self-building housing processes in Lima during the second half of the 20th century. In that line, the essay presents a lived experience testimony about a slef-building housing process that took place in San Juan de Miraflores, 1962. Through the use of the testimony, the essay attempts to approach the urban expansion process from the subjectivities of the social actors, which allows us to understand the official narratives on the "desborde popular" from another perspective. Through the testimonial analysis, a strong value to the role of mother is found, as the children are presented as the main motivation to solve the housing problem, this leads women to organize their daily tasks and distribute their time based on it. Thus, it is identified that the disputes over the conquest of housing and the right to the city go through both the collective level and that of the family nucleus. The article shows that the gender perspective is a crucial dimension in order to understand the urban expansion process in Lima.
Palabras clave
Vivienda autoconstruida, Género, Testimonio vivencial, Self-buid housing, Gender, Urban expansion
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