Creencias sobre ciudadanía y educación ciudadana en docentes de un colegio público y un colegio privado de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente estudio tuvo como propósito caracterizar las creencias sobre la educación ciudadana y ciudadanía en un grupo de docentes de educación secundaria de un colegio público y un colegio privado con un modelo pedagógico alternativo de Lima Metropolitana.Con este fin se entrevistó a ocho docentes, cuatro de cada colegio, explorando las siguientes áreas: ciudadanía, ideal de ciudadano yestrategias pedagógicas relacionadas con la educación ciudadana. Los resultados muestran que las creencias de los profesores del colegio privado se fundan en principios y valores democráticos, y que consideran la convivencia democrática y el constante ejercicio crítico reflexivo sobre temas de coyuntura como las estrategias más efectivas para la formación ciudadana. Para los profesores del colegio público, la educación ciudadana, según la conciben, presenta algunos elementos democráticos pero también incorporan diversos elementos idiosincráticos, los cuales se vieron reflejados en el planteamiento de estrategias como el modelado conductual o la celebración de actos cívicos para el desarrollo de la ciudadanía. Se discute la implicancia de estos resultados en el desarrollo de competencias ciudadanas que, de acuerdo a la literatura, la escuela debe facilitar. Se plantean estrategias para la generación y promoción de espacios de reflexión docente y de participación democrática en la escuela; las cuales se deben desarrollar en conjunto con los directivos de las instituciones educativas.
The present study aimed to describe thebeliefs about citizenship and citizenship education in a group of secondary school teachers in a public school and a private school with an alternative pedagogical model of Lima. Eight teachers, four from each school, were interviewedexploring the following areas: citizenship, citizen ideal and teaching strategies related to citizenship education. The results show that the beliefs of the private school teachers are based on democratic principles and values, and consider democratic life (coexistence) and constant reflexive critical exercise about current social issues as the most effective strategies for citizenship education. For public school teachers, citizenship education has some democratic elements but also incorporate various idiosyncratic elements, which result in theproposal of strategies like behavioral modeling and the celebration of civic eventsfor the development of citizenry in the students. The implications of these results for the development of citizenship skillsare discussed in relation to the competences that, according to the literature, the school should facilitate.Some strategies for the creation and promotion of opportunities for teacher reflection and democratic participation in school to develop with the directors of educational institutions are suggested.
The present study aimed to describe thebeliefs about citizenship and citizenship education in a group of secondary school teachers in a public school and a private school with an alternative pedagogical model of Lima. Eight teachers, four from each school, were interviewedexploring the following areas: citizenship, citizen ideal and teaching strategies related to citizenship education. The results show that the beliefs of the private school teachers are based on democratic principles and values, and consider democratic life (coexistence) and constant reflexive critical exercise about current social issues as the most effective strategies for citizenship education. For public school teachers, citizenship education has some democratic elements but also incorporate various idiosyncratic elements, which result in theproposal of strategies like behavioral modeling and the celebration of civic eventsfor the development of citizenry in the students. The implications of these results for the development of citizenship skillsare discussed in relation to the competences that, according to the literature, the school should facilitate.Some strategies for the creation and promotion of opportunities for teacher reflection and democratic participation in school to develop with the directors of educational institutions are suggested.
Palabras clave
Ciudadanía, Educación ciudadana., Personal docente
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