Informe jurídico sobre la Resolución N° 004-2013- TSC/OSIPTEL: La aplicación del principio de supletoriedad en el procedimiento de oficio por abuso de posición de dominio iniciado contra Telefónica del Perú S.A.A.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe jurídico corresponde a la Resolución N° 004-2013-TSC/OSIPTEL,
que aborda la aplicación del principio de supletoriedad en el Procedimiento de Oficio
por abuso de posición de dominio iniciado contra Telefónica del Perú S.A.A. Es así
que el análisis del presente trabajo se centra en determinar si Telefónica debió ser
sancionada bajo las normas de competencia o por las normas regulatorias del sector
de telecomunicaciones.
En tal sentido, el informe analiza si el mercado de acceso a internet mediante
tecnología ADSL se encontraba regulado por OSIPTEL. De igual forma verifica si el
Principio de Supletoriedad puede aplicarse en el presente proceso en base a
jurisprudencia emitida por las agencias de competencia, como son el caso de
De igual forma, en el presente informe jurídico se cuestiona las afirmaciones emitidas
por el Tribunal de Solución de Controversias, analizando los criterios con los que
sustento su decisión y analizándolos para dilucidar si la sanción a Telefónica fue
apropiada o, por el contrario, se generó una afectación indebida a la empresa
Finalmente, concluiremos el informe determinando si OSIPTEL aplicó de manera
incorrecta el Principio de Supletoriedad y si la conducta que se imputo a Telefónica
estaba autorizada por el regulador.
The present legal report pertains to Resolution No. 004-2013-TSC/OSIPTEL, which addresses the application of the principle of subsidiarity in the ex officio procedure for abuse of dominant position initiated against Telefónica del Perú S.A.A. Thus, the analysis of this work focuses on determining whether Telefónica should have been sanctioned under competition rules or the regulatory norms of the telecommunications sector. In this regard, the report analyzes whether the internet access market through ADSL technology was regulated by OSIPTEL. It also verifies whether the Principle of Subsidiarity can be applied in this process based on jurisprudence issued by competition agencies, such as INDECOPI and OSIPTEL. Similarly, this legal report questions the statements issued by the Dispute Resolution Tribunal, analyzing the criteria with which it based its decision and examining them to determine whether the sanction imposed on Telefónica was appropriate or, on the contrary, caused undue harm to the operating company. Finally, we will conclude the report by determining whether OSIPTEL incorrectly applied the Principle of Subsidiarity and whether the conduct attributed to Telefónica was authorized by the regulator.
The present legal report pertains to Resolution No. 004-2013-TSC/OSIPTEL, which addresses the application of the principle of subsidiarity in the ex officio procedure for abuse of dominant position initiated against Telefónica del Perú S.A.A. Thus, the analysis of this work focuses on determining whether Telefónica should have been sanctioned under competition rules or the regulatory norms of the telecommunications sector. In this regard, the report analyzes whether the internet access market through ADSL technology was regulated by OSIPTEL. It also verifies whether the Principle of Subsidiarity can be applied in this process based on jurisprudence issued by competition agencies, such as INDECOPI and OSIPTEL. Similarly, this legal report questions the statements issued by the Dispute Resolution Tribunal, analyzing the criteria with which it based its decision and examining them to determine whether the sanction imposed on Telefónica was appropriate or, on the contrary, caused undue harm to the operating company. Finally, we will conclude the report by determining whether OSIPTEL incorrectly applied the Principle of Subsidiarity and whether the conduct attributed to Telefónica was authorized by the regulator.
Palabras clave
Telecomunicaciones--Legislación--Perú, Derecho administrativo--Perú, Sanciones administrativas--Perú, Acceso a Internet--Perú